USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Bryan Tompkins looking for mussels. Mills River, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Mussel survey team in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Troy Wilson searching for mussels. Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist John Fridell floating in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist John Fridell resting in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Eastern hellbender salamander. Mills River, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Bryan Tompkins searching the bottom of the Mills River for mussels. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist Troy Wilson at the water surface. Mills River, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist John Fridell looking over slippershell mussels. Mills River, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologist John Fridell returning mussels to the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologists John Fridell and Bryan Tompkins plot their search route. Mills River, May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Lily Dancy Jones searching for mussels in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologists searching for mussels in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologists John Fridell and Bryan Tompkins in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Underwater view of Service biologist John Fridell in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Underwater view of Service biologist Troy Wilson in the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service intern Lily Dancy Jones leaving the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologists John Fridell and Bryan Tompkins recording data by the Mills River. May, 2010
USFWS/Southeast: Service biologists Bryan Tompkins and John Fridell measuring mussels by the Mills River. May, 2010