USFWS/Southeast: A. Boom Examples on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Navy-style heavy duty boom with Pom-pom style boom in foreground
USFWS/Southeast: Booms and birds on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Boom deployment at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge
USFWS/Southeast: Boom types
USFWS/Southeast: Birds protected by booms at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Oil soaked boom washed ashore
USFWS/Southeast: Birds and washed up boom on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Nesting birds with boom in background at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Booms on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Boom deployment worker on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Nesting area closure sign with boom
USFWS/Southeast: Boom washed ashore
USFWS/Southeast: Buried boom is ineffective
USFWS/Southeast: Booms protecting nesting birds at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Escaped oil-soaked absorbent boom
USFWS/Southeast: Free floating oil-soaked boom poses threats to wildlife
USFWS/Southeast: Navy-style boom at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Oiled boom washed ashore at Breton Island National Wildlife Refuge.
USFWS/Southeast: Oil absorbent boom washed ashore
USFWS/Southeast: Oil soaked absorbent boom
USFWS/Southeast: Oil soaked absorbent boom draped
USFWS/Southeast: Boom showing signs of oil at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Boom showing oil at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Pelican lands on nest at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Nesting pelicans on Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Royal terns nest behind boom protection at Breton Island NWR
USFWS/Southeast: Refuge Manager and Coast Guard discuss boom deployment