user78888: this is pele ~ volcano goddess
user78888: huge hydroponic lettuce from a local farmstand. I think it was about three dollars.
user78888: yesterday was a religious festival and we helped cook on a fire~ most of the food is from the land where the ashram is
user78888: yesterday was a religious festival and we helped cook on a fire~ most of the food is from the land where the ashram is
user78888: Island of Hawaii
user78888: Island of Hawaii
user78888: my chemist neighbor makes this which is pretty cool, only 25 for the whole bottle
user78888: the water tank and heating system
user78888: the cabin came with this clothes organizer ~ also the crates arrived yesterday so i have cookware and clothing
user78888: New home
user78888: filling up our friend’s truck with crates we will be on the big island 6pm on wed yt rainbowpeapod2796
user78888: this is the big island ashram
user78888: The Big Island
user78888: The Big Island
user78888: Big Island farmers market ~ the banana bread is glutenfree vegan and sugarfree ~ the leaf tea helps detox from vog
user78888: Visiting The Big Island
user78888: carry on bag, everything i'll bring
user78888: snacks for the trip it's ridiculous how much some of the stuff is at the airport is they had like a bag a small bag of macadamia nuts and it was like $30 I couldn't believe it so I'm always bringing snacks now when I travel
user78888: Kauai