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albums of US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
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FORSCOM FY25 Audit Summit
3-58th AOB Deactivation Ceremony
FORSCOM Commander's Forum Fireside Chat
Maj. Cotton PCS award
Quarterly Awards Ceremony - December
LTG Anderson Promotion
COL Finison Retirement Ceremony
British MG Biddick visit
OCT 29 Outreach Visit
Stephen Perkins Retirement Ceremony
LTC Mitch Graham promotion ceremony
Quarterly Awards 25 Sep 2024
Special Troops Battalion Assumption of Responsibility
2024 FORSCOM Paralegal Warriors of the Year Competition
Retired GEN Michael Garrett visit
Best Squad visit to FORSCOM HQ
G-1 Manning Forum
LTB Grube Promotion
West Point Class of 88
LTG Tony Aguto retirement ceremony
FORSCOM Best Squad Competition 2024
FORSCOM/USARC Family Day 2024
MG Jeon Visit
COL Dunlap Retirement
FORSCOM Equal Opportunity Awards
FORSCOM Senior Leader Orientation
Mr. Mark C. Schraeder SES Induction Ceremony
LTC Arcadio Avalos promotion ceremony
MG Curtis PCS Award
Retirement Ceremony for Mr. Mark Calvert -- June 28, 2024
FORSCOM Quarterly Awards
Brig. Gen. Marne Sutten, FORSCOM G-6, Award
U.S. Army 249th Birthday cake cutting ceremony
LTC Matthew Lyles promotion ceremony
Special Troops Battalion Change of Command ceremony
LTC Peters promotion ceremony
FORSCOM Outreach Engagement
BG Burk Promotion
MG Scott Nauman PCS award
LTC Whitehead retirement ceremony
May 2 FORSCOM Outreach Event
Texas CASA Abdul Subhani visit
MG Kyung-Koo Lee visit
LTG Stephen Smith promotion
FORSCOM Quarterly Awards
LTG Paul Calvert retirement ceremony
FORSCOM Outreach Event
LTC Kerksick retirement
FORSCOM Chili Bowl – 9 Feb. 2024
FORSCOM Public Affairs Symposium 2024
Fayetteville State University Chancellor visit
U.S. Army Forces Command Audit Summit Feb. 7-8, 2024, at Fort Liberty, N.C.
CW5 Jonathan Yerby retirement
CH Bryant Promotion
Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James J. Mingus visit
Ambassador Taylor LPD
GEN Poppas Guest visit
CW5 Onwah Campbell Promotion
British Lt. Gen Wooddisse visit
Holly Ingham retirement ceremony
FORSCOM 1st Quarter Awards
CW3 Georgette Hernandez promotion
FORSCOM Commander's Forum PT Session
COL Hercik Promotion
2023 Turkey Bowl
GEN Poppas Chicago Trip
Lt. Gen. Pasi Valimaki visit
FORSCOM 4th Quarter Awards
Mr. John Hort retirement ceremony
Family Day - 11 Aug. 2023
FORSCOM Outreach Event 14 September
FORSCOM Surgeon Office
FORSCOM Change of Responsibility
FORSCOM CHAP. (LTC) Michael Smith Promotion Ceremony - 31 Aug. 2023
FORSCOM STB Assumption of Command
U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Four Beofra K. Butler Retirement Ceremomy: 25 Aug. 2023
FORSCOM Equal Opportunity Advisor 2023
FORSCOM G-1 Safety Award
Hon. Shawn Skelly, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness
Dr. Stewart Visit
Martinelli PCS Awards
FORSCOM 50th Birthday
FORSCOM FY3 2023 Quarterly Awards
STB Change of Responsibility
BG Raney PCS Award Ceremony
U.S. Army 248th Birthday cake cutting ceremony
COL Ferris/MAJ Pough Awards
SSG Woods Reenlistment
Mr. Derek Miller retirement cermony
Gen. Randy George visit
G35 Photos
LTG Marlow Visit
SECDEF Austin Visit
SFC Jones Retirement Ceremony
MSG Trottier Award Ceremony
LTC Canup promotion ceremony
Elisabeth Bramble retirement ceremony
FORSCOM Quarterly Awards
Brig. Gen. Sutton Promotion Ceremony
FORSCOM Outreach Engagement
MSG Taylor promotion ceremony
386th National Guard birthday cake cutting
Col. Luis Ortiz retirement ceremony
Brig. Gen. Raney promotion ceremony
2LT Venery award presentation
Col. Joseph Koller award ceremony
MG Scott Naumann promotion ceremony
COL Lugo Retirement
CW5 Michael Blain retirement ceremony
U.S. Army Forces Command Change of Command Ceremony
GEN Poppas Promotion
MG Yadai Visit to FORSCOM
COL Fawcett and MAJ Ling Award Ceremony
BG Davis Award
COL Michael Ludwick and LTC Jennifer Ludwick retirement ceremony
FORSCOM G35 group photos
STB Change of Command Ceremony
247th Army Birthday
Military Attache visit
CSM Holcombe Retirement Ceremony
BG Darrin Cox PCS award
Twilight Tattoo 25 May 2022
SGM Otero award
CW5 Falton Promotion
Christy Bennett award ceremony
LTC Harold Watson promotion ceremony
SGM Michael T. Youngs retirement ceremony
Col. Jack Vantress retirement ceremony
Brig. Gen. Brian R. Bisacre award ceremony
MG LaNeve Award Presentation
MSG Thomas Hurst promotion ceremony
Eagle Award presentation
Mr. Phillip McGhee retirement
COL Stephen Davis retirement ceremony
CSM Cavaliere Retirement Ceremony
2021 FORSCOM Career Counselor of the Year Awards
SFC Allen Rivera retirement ceremony
LTG Quintas retirement ceremony
2021 FORSCOM Commander's Forum
LTC David Andrews promotion ceremony
Mr. Johnson Retirement
LTG Calvert Welcome Ceremony
CW2 Stephen Escano promotion
FORSCOM G-4 group photo
Gen. Seung Kyum Kim visit
CPT Casimir promotion
LTC Andrew Hill promotion ceremony
2021 FORSCOM Best Warrior Competition Award Ceremony
COL Pat Wempe retirement ceremony
SFC James Trottier reenlistment
Michael "Lars" Larson retirement ceremony
LTC James Wilson promotion
FORSCOM G1 photos
COL Jin Pak award ceremony
EO Advisor of the Year
COL Tim Parker award
COL Harker retirement ceremony
Col. Arturo "Art" Horton award ceremony
MG Robert Edmonson PCS award
Right Honorable Ben Wallace visit
BG Edward Bailey PCS award
103rd Warrant Officer Corps Birthday
LTC Thomas Whitfield promotion ceremony
SFC Joseph Savant retirement ceremony
Col. Mark Johnson PCS award
LTC John Kerin PCS award
Col. King going away
MAJ Tony Dunkin award
LTC Matthews promotion ceremony
NTC visit rotation 21-08
Col. Eugene "Ed" Bowen retirement
Lt. Linda Bentley retirement
MG Harris Retirement
MG Strick Visit
Maj. Patino promotion
MG Edmonson Promotion
COL Forsythe Retirement
2020 FORSCOM Career Counselor and Retention Awards Ceremony
COL Albert retirement
SFC Swanson promotion
LTC Otero promotion
BG Bailey promotion
FORSCOM Change of Responsibility - July 27, 2020
COL Black award
STB Change of Command - 2020
STB Change of Responsibility - July 2, 2020
CW5 Henry Retirement
SFC Hooper promotion
Dietderich award
CW4 Joseph promotion
Human Resources University
LTC Machak promotion
MG Coward promotion
Chili Cook-Off
Promotion ceremony - Feb. 3, 2020
SSG Hyde reenlistment
Quarterly Awards Ceremony - Dec. 2019
2019 FORSCOM Career Counselor of the Year
SFC Nieto retirement
Promotion ceremony
COL Bryant promotion
CSM Rocco Retirement
SFC Boatwright Award
LTC Charity Retirement
Computers for Learning Exchange
LTC Martinez Promotion
Task Force Truck
SGM Hughes Retirement
2019 FORSCOM Best Warrior Competition
Quarterly Awards Ceremony - Aug. 2019
Family Day 2019
COL Pero retirement
Change of Responsibility
44th Military History Detachment deployment
MSG Debose promotion
SGM Herron Retirement
BG Harter Award
COL Wittig Retirement
COL Miranda Award
LTG Quintas Promotion
244th Army Birthday
FORSCOM STB Change of Responsibility
LTG Richardson Award
LTC Shubin Promotion
192nd Ordnance Battalion
COL Lawhorn Retirement
DCG Staff Awards
HHC STB Change of Command
Chief of Staff Quarterly Awards - May 2019
COL Sierra award
COL Mackey Retirement
G3 Plans
MAJ Dembeck Award
SGM Antonio Brown Retirement
Chief of Staff Quarterly Awards - February 2019
FORSCOM Career Counselor of the Year
2018 FORSCOM Marksmanship competition
2018 GEN Douglas MacArthur Leadership Awards
MG Daniels Award
Chief of Staff Quarterly Awards - November 2018
STB Change of Command - 2018
GEN Abrams Relinquishment of Command
CG Staff Awards
Chief of Staff Quarterly Awards - August 2018
BG Harter Promotion
Warrant Officer 100th Birthday
HHC Change of Responsibility
SFC Everitt Award
MG Isaacson Promotion
COL Oliver Promotion
BG Talley Award
COL Pepin Award
Chief of Staff Quarterly Awards - May 2018
COL Dorr Award
MG Kolasheski Award
WO1 Rivera Award
MAJ Wike Promotion
Quarterly Awards Ceremony
Lt. Col. (Ret.) James Alexander Award Ceremony
Mr. Barry R. Barth Retirement Ceremony Feb. 1, 2018
Mr. Michael C. Buchieri Retirement Ceremony Jan. 31, 2018
CW5 Jesus C. Tulud Promotion Ceremony
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Doretha MaGee Retirement
LTC Dennis Holiday Promotion Ceremony 16 Nov 2017
FORSCOM Quarterly Awards Ceremony 15 November 2017
Fort Bragg Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Graduation 22 Sept 2017
FORSCOM Headquarters Civilian Employee Length of Service Awards, 20170823
FORSCOM - USARC Organization Day, Aug. 18, 2017
Promotion Ceremony MG Ronald Kirlin, 4 Aug 2017
CSM Schroeder Retirement, Aug. 1, 2017 FORSCOM Atrium
COL Nick Katers Retirement Ceremony 2 Aug 2017
COL Charles Hensley Retirement Ceremony 7 July 2017
General Daniel B. Allyn Retirement Ceremony June 30, 2017
LT COL William McKernan Retirement Ceremony 12 June 2017
FORSCOM-USARC STB 1st Sgt. change of responsibility
SFC White Award 8June 2017
LTG Donahue Retirement Ceremony, May 31, 2017
FORSCOM Headquarters - Staff Photos with Lt. Gen. Patrick J. Donahue II,taken May 25, 2017
FORSCOM Quarterly Awards Ceremony, 24 May 2017
Staff Sgt. Albert Jones Award Ceremony
FORSCOM Headquarters - Staff Photos with Lt. Gen. Patrick J. Donahue II,taken May 17, 2017
Gen. Robert B. Abrams, guest speaker for FSU commissioning ceremony
MG Barrye L. Price Retirement 15 June 2016
Quarterly Awards Ceremony 10 Feb 2017
SFC Larry Koons Retirement Ceremony, 21 April 2017
CPT Merrill Promotion Ceremony 17 April 2017
CPT Ann Rutherford Promotion
MG Leopoldo "Lee" Quintas Award Ceremony, 6 April 2017
FORSCOM Awards Ceremony 15 Feb 2017
Hampton School Children
Promotion Ceremony, Mr. John H. Hort
Career Counselor of theYear Competition
Mark C. Calvert Award Ceremony
The State of the Command
Promotion Ceremony, CW4 Boyd-Smith
FORSCOM General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Assessment Dec. 11-15, 2016
Honor the Oath Ceremony Nov. 10, 2016
The Eagle Commons Ribbon Cutting
Promotion Ceremony, MG Leopold A. Quintas Jr., Oct. 21, 2016, Fort Bragg, N.C.
FORSCOM Awards Ceremony, Oct. 21, 2016, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Award Ceremony - Chaplain (Col.) David L. Waters & Sgt. Maj. Chantel Y. Sena-Diaz, Jun3 30, 2016, Fort Bragg, N.C.
Retirement Ceremony, Maj. Gen. Jimmie Jaye Wells, June 24, 2016 - Fort Bragg, N.C.
Brig. Gen. Bertram C. Providence Award Presentation
Departure Award Ceremony, Brig. Gen. Mitchell L. Kilgo, U.S. Army Forces Command deputy chief of staff, G6, June 15, 2016
U.S. Army Forces Command/U.S. Army Reserve Command celebrate the 241st Birthday of the U.S. Army
Mr. Nate Godwin Award Ceremony
Civilian Length of Service Awards
Maj. Gen. Robert P. White Award Ceremony
Chief Warrant Officer 3 Keisha A. Hoffman Retirement Ceremony
Command Sgt. Maj. Agustin Cruz – Appointment to Command Sgt. Maj. and Award Ceremony
Col. Noel T. Nicolle Retirement
Sgt. Maj. Jeffrey R. Sabourin Retirement
Gary H. Goulden Retirement
Civilian Length of Service Awards
Command Sgt. Maj. Benny H. Dobbs, Jr. Retirement
Lt. Col. Robert Spivey Promotion
Chief of Staff Esprit de Corps Run
Lt. Col. Kristen N. Dahle Award
Andrea Wiley-Bigelow Award
Staff Sgt. Venesha Curry Promotion and Award
Honors for WWII Veteran
Chaplain (Col.) Mark A. Frederick Promotion
FORSCOM, USARC Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Observance
Lt. Col. Kristen Dahle Promotion
2015 Holiday Concerts - Raleigh, N.C.
Chief of Staff recognizes civilian service
Southern Pines, N.C. - 2015 Holiday Concert
Mario Gabriel Retirement
Sergeants 1st Class Heather Awner and Cameron Abbott Reenlistment
Freddies Store Ribbon Cutting
FORSCOM Eagle Award: 21st Military Police Company
Honor the Oath Ceremony
Southern Pines, N.C. 2015 Veterans Day Parade
Sergeants Major Review Installation Training Aid Support
Lt. Col. Tara Lee Retirement
FORSCOM Civilian Career Seminar
Room Dedication in Memory of Buffie D. Wilcox
Lt. Col. Sonja L. Whitehead Promotion
Chief Warrant Officer 4 LaMark Wylie Retirement
2015 FORSCOM Marksmanship Competition
Chief of Staff Civilian Service Awards
Master Sgt. Emma G. Simpson Retirement
2015 FORSCOM NCO/Soldier of the Year Competition
Sgt. Abraham Sanchez Reenlistment
Lt. Col. Corliss A. Stallworth Promotion
Maj. Gen. Scott L. Thoele Award Ceremony
Staff Sgt. Richard A. Scott Jr. Reenlistment
Command Sgt. Maj. Diedre K. Nevels Appointment
Maj. Gen. Thomas S. James. Jr. Award Ceremony
Maj. Gen. Paul C. Hurley Jr. Award
Celebrating 75 Years of Heritage
Chaplain (Col.) Gregory B. Walker Award
Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Mullins Reenlistment and Promotion
Col. Tracy L. Winborne Retirement
Chief of Staff recognizes civilian service
Japan Ground Self Defense Force chief visit
Chaplain (Col.) Thomas Solhjem Award
Staff Sgt. Yaneris Atherley Reenlistment
Sgt. 1st Class Mihailo Milisavljevich Promotion
Chaplain B. Gregory Edison Promotion
Raleigh - 2014 Holiday Concerts
Fayetteville - 2014 Holiday Concert
Brig. Gen. Mitchell Kilgo Promotion
Marshall Park Dedication, Pinehurst, N.C.
Resources/Budget Summit
Communications directorate awards
Col. Daniel E. Williams Retirement
FORSCOM Headquarters Ceremonies, Aug. 15, 2014
Chaplains host 2014 SORTAF
Maj. Gen. Kevin G. O'Connell Award
Lt. Col. Calvin Amos Promotion
Command Sergeant Major Assumption of Responsibility
Communications Directorate Civilian Awards
239th Army Birthday @ 2014 U.S. Open - Pinehurst, N.C.
USGA/Pinehurst - "A Tribute to the Military"
Col. Timothy Norton Promotion
Kazakhstan Ministry of Defense Visit
Raleigh - 2012 Holiday Concerts
Fayetteville - 2012 Holiday Concert
2012 CSA Combined Logistics Excellence Awards
Lt. Col. Juan Vazquez Retirement
Maj. Gen. Mark Graham Retirement
Col. Robert Bowers Promotion
Fort Bragg WTB Lean Six Sigma Training
CG @ N.C. West Point alumni society
Chief Warrant Officer 5 William R. Halevy Retirement
CG @ Union League of Philadelphia