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albums of usaid.ethiopia
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2019 U.S. Invests in Ethiopians
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Creating a Healthier Ethiopia
Investing in Ethiopia's Future
Building Resilience in the Ethiopian Highlands
USAID Administrator Gayle Smith Visits USAID-Resilience Projects in Northern Ethiopia
USAID Response to the Ethiopian Drought
DCM Visits Nicolas School in Tigray
DCM Vrooman Visits Raya Azebo Community
DCM Vrooman Visits Land Activity
Trachoma-Zithromax Celebration 11-16-15
Celebrating Golden Hands - Beginning the End of Marginalization
Origin Africa Trade Expo
Chickpea Processing Facility Inauguration
U.S. Congressional Delegation Checks in on Ethiopia's Development Progress
Members of Congress Visit Yirgacheffe Farmers' Cooperative Union
President Obama at Faffa Food
Ethiopian Coffee
USAID Improves Lives for Milk Processors in Negelle
Feed the Future: AGP-Agribusiness Market Activity (AMDe)
Resilience and Pastoralism: Changing Horizons
Resilience and Pastoralism: Pasture and Water
Resilience and Pastoralism: Livestock and Markets
Resilience and Pastoralism: People and Communities
Powering Agriculture Innovations in Energy and Agriculture: African Bamboo
PEPFAR: Yekokeb Berhan Program for Highly Vulnerable Children
Project Mercy Receives Support from USAID
Power Africa: Reykjavik Geothermal Signs Agreement with Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation
PEPFAR: Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
Power Africa: dVentus Technologies
Improving Healthcare and Systems in Ethiopia
Development Credit Authority: Getinet's Story
Development Credit Authority: Abebow's Story
Ethiopia in Transformation
Power Africa: The Corbetti Caldera Geothermal Project