Immature Animals: Elwood and Emery Sleeping
Immature Animals: Elwood and Emery the 12 week old Pitbull/Aussie Shepherd mix puppies
Immature Animals: Emery, Electra, Eddy and Elwood Looking Up
Immature Animals: Forever Dog Fiona does NOT accept flies in the house.
Immature Animals: Butterscotch Gets Spayed on Friday, Adopted on Saturday
Immature Animals: Rosewood the Adopted 9 week old
Immature Animals: Spot the 9 Week Old Puppy
Immature Animals: Carly and Clicka Playfighting Away Their Last Time Together.
Immature Animals: Gus the 16 Week Old Labrador Retreiver Mix
Immature Animals: Gorda The Desperate
Immature Animals: Gorda Looks Happy
Immature Animals: Herman Looks South
Immature Animals: Kipper the Larger Gold Shepherd Mix Puppy
Immature Animals: Kourtney and the Stuffed Dog
Immature Animals: Kourtney the Shepherd Runt
Immature Animals: Quincy the Shih Tzu Mix
Immature Animals: Bunny Lying Down
Immature Animals: Bunny the 9 Week Old Tritone Shepherd Mix
Immature Animals: Annie Shelly the 8 Week Old Boxer
Immature Animals: Annie Shelly Right After Surgery
Immature Animals: Annie Shelly Inside Looking Out
Immature Animals: Kenny and Casanova the 8 week old Pitbull Mix Puppies
Immature Animals: Kenny the 8 week old Pitbull Lab mix
Immature Animals: Kenny Sleeping
Immature Animals: Pickles Resting in a Chair
rhFOTO hochstrasser: Am Strand von Bellaria (Adria/Italien)