Juicy*S: Orange You Glad
Juicy*S: Harry
danie7: Monty Python Cross Stitch Progress- Nearly there! One last character to do and that's it for the main stitching! #crossstitch #crossstitching #montypython #montypythonandtheholygrail #stitch #stitching #crossstitchproject #cross-stitchmarathon #stitchingm
mothertger77: DSCF1017-001
mothertger77: DSCF1020
mothertger77: DSCF1019-001
mothertger77: DSCF1014-002
mothertger77: DSCF1008
mothertger77: DSCF1009
mothertger77: DSCF1007
emkeller: #diypostcardswap #gelli #monoprint #postcardart #postcard
emkeller: #diypostcardswap #gelli #monoprint #postcardart #postcard
fluffysoftkitty: postcards1
jeane_walker_sliney: iHanna2 S2015
jeane_walker_sliney: iHanna4 S2015
jeane_walker_sliney: iHanna5 S2015
jeane_walker_sliney: iHanna1 S2015
jeane_walker_sliney: iHanna3 S2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 1 May 2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 2 May 2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 3 May 2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 5 May 2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 9 May 2015
cjinsrq: iHanna 8 May 2015
iHanna: Happy Mail in the DIY Postcard Swap
iHanna: Mom's Pile of Blue Postcards
wasnowcreations: aspic-tower
wasnowcreations: appetizers-sing
wasnowcreations: Berlin-tortes
wasnowcreations: crusading-thumbs