The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 597 of "La Russia descritta e illustrata da Dixon, Biancardi, Moynet, Vereschaguine e Henriet, e dal professor A. Degubernatis ... Con ... incisioni"
[rich]: Random mix of stuff I've made and kept in the collection over the last few years.
Marcus_Loves_Film: Winter Storm | Medical District, Chicago #silvergelatin #lithprint 9x9 inches Taken with a Bronica SQ-A 80mm lens, giving a wider view than my previous post of the same shot with a 150mm lens. Handcrafted in the darkroom with vintage Kodak Polycontras
John A. McCrae: Not Sleepless, but A'Wake' in Seattle
Sainty WHAT: Native
Sainty WHAT: Scout Series
Sainty WHAT: Conquistador Scout
Sainty WHAT: Samurai Scout
nathanguttridge: bird - redstart - barga italy -004
[rich]: Boom! Look who made it from the resin labs.
pictoplasma: The Pictoplasma Portrait Gallery
themookscomic: Age of Reason
studiotoad: Family
Sainty WHAT: Diver Scout
Fred Blunt: sketchbook characters
preshaa: The Middle Lane: A Guide