unttld: Precision layout. Adjustments in the thousandths of an inch. #work #reallifepixelpushing
unttld: Cute explosion. #Buckley
unttld: The Story of Leif Ericson.
unttld: It was mediocre at best.
unttld: 5pm breathalyser. I passed with flying colours. Photo by @eportelance
unttld: Viking metal and circuits. #odin #work
unttld: Green For Life blocking the whole street. Holy fucking useless. Cc @jnettemercado @eportelance
unttld: My kid has four paws. #buckley
unttld: Jesus Claus was good to me this year.
unttld: Two Android features I love: receive multiple copies of each message in case you miss one and never send replies cause you don't actually want to talk to people anyway.
unttld: The only good photo I have of @_callheralaska_ 's booth at yesterday's @junctionflea at Brickworks.
unttld: Sleeping puppy.
unttld: Well. @tllabs is a total mess now. Season In Review leftovers.
unttld: Boxes made for a super awesome @teehanlax @tllabs project.
unttld: Steel bits done. Just need to rust it up. Then on to the leather bits.
unttld: Greens complete. Now for everything else. :/
unttld: Something in the works.
unttld: I'm just gonna leave this here.
unttld: Final stages.
unttld: Just threw two natural D20s. Boom. w/ @marcolius @jnettemercado @norajks @eportelance
unttld: Top secret work.
unttld: Working.
unttld: Adventures in Neverwinter with @jeanettem @marcolius @eportelance @norajks
unttld: Hey look, I can draw circuits with this. Circuit Scribe is nothing new.
unttld: Laying out the components for our next project.
unttld: Yes, that's FontBook in the background.
unttld: Orc warboss II.
unttld: Orc warboss. The filter helps tone down the flash.
unttld: Had to make the proto board wider. Hurray for Dremel.
unttld: Rocking my Veronica Mars movie project kick starter tee. Woot! / @IMKristenBell @RobThomas