unloveablesteve: 2023-06-18_07-32-26
unloveablesteve: unlogo
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unloveablesteve: Went clay-pigeon shooting. Scored 31/40 and came out top. Who knew?
unloveablesteve: A not-very convincing attempt by @greateranglia to upgrade a knackered seat, eh, @delayed_again?
unloveablesteve: Chillin' with ganesh at a weddin' innit.
unloveablesteve: 2014-10-01_07-04-41
unloveablesteve: The new (old) book.
unloveablesteve: Kate Bush: sold out. But I'm going in...
unloveablesteve: Apocalypse clouds in SG12.
unloveablesteve: Yes, it's #RockInThePriory 2014!
unloveablesteve: Time to play #whatsonyourstairs. In my house, it's three discarded toilet roll innards (making their way to the bin).
unloveablesteve: They should include surnames on these Coke cans so we can all identify the litterbugs.
unloveablesteve: Cyberman having a fag. Presumably an influence on the young Mark Gatiss.
unloveablesteve: Just about to open this bad boy and fire up the BBQ. Let the overoptimistic #ENG supporting commence!
unloveablesteve: jb_009
unloveablesteve: Terrible view, eh?
unloveablesteve: Britain's most beautiful polling station. #elections2014
unloveablesteve: Britain's most beautiful polling station. #elections2014
unloveablesteve: The TARDIS has materialised on my desktop. Crumbs!
unloveablesteve: Another barge trip along the River Lea.
unloveablesteve: Found this sleepy lady at Liverpool Street: @febrezeUK #sleephappy
unloveablesteve: My new gig checking flashing lights on Moonbase Alpha #andercon2014
unloveablesteve: Alien infiltration in the #andercon2014 special effects panel.
unloveablesteve: Brains before beauty. #andercon2014