coolhandluke: -----------
coolhandluke: ◊ ◊ ◊
shoegazer.: weekend warrior
macrosarah: one-arm man, crosses
Cynan Jones: The Melancholy Hussar
Cynan Jones: dud plate
Cynan Jones: Half a Couple (collodion)
Herschell Hershey: London, 1982
shoegazer.: night of the hunter
the3robbers: ...sizzle
A-Wix: Kids in the burn frame
candace hope: suspended animation.
foxxyz: Newport Beach
alspix: Valves
bricolage.108: DIY half-frame cam
KF 红相机: ee3 Lex Loch Lomond Double Frame
Yoshihiro: img300
Yoshihiro: img327