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albums of UNEP
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DED Bilateral Meetings (FEB 2025)
ED Bilateral Meetings (FEB 2025)
DED Bilateral Meetings (JAN 2025)
ED Bilateral Meetings (Jan 2025)
ED Bilateral meetings (DEC 2024)
UNEP Executive Director at INC-5 - Republic of Korea
INC-5 - Republic of Korea
AMCEN Meeting of African Ministers of Environment in the margins of UNFCCC COP29
Host Country Agreement between Republic of Korea and UNEP (for INC)
UNRC Dialogues in Africa
ED Bilateral Meetings (NOV 2024)
UNFCCC COP29 - Azerbaijan
UNEP Executive Director at CBD COP 16 - Colombia
Cali, Colombia
Biodiversity COP 16 - Colombia
DED Bilateral Meetings (OCT 2024)
High Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance
Galvanizing momentum for the Global Plastics Pollution Instrument
2024 UNGA and Summit of the Future
UNEP Executive Director meets with the Children's Council of Clean Up Kenya
Highlights from the 167th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives
ED Bilateral Meetings (SEP 2024)
Third Authors Meeting for the Seventh Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7)
INC Ad Hoc Intersessional Open-ended Expert Groups
UN Habitat ED welcome reception
Meeting of the SG's Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals
Secretariat briefing on the United Nations Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals to the Committee of Permanent Representatives.
International Youth Day 2024
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (AUG 2024)
11th Annual Subcommittee Meeting of the CPR Panel discussion
UNEP ED Bilateral meetings (JULY 2024)
UNEP ED Brazil Country visit
11th Annual Subcommittee meeting of the CPR (July 2024)
UNEP ED Azerbaijan country visit
166th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (June 2024)
World Environment Day Quiz Event
World Environment Day 2024
Courtesy call by H.E Mr Dan Jorgensen Minister for Development cooperation and global policy, Denmark to the UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen
International Day of Biodiversity
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (MAY 2024)
2024 World Environment Day launches in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
UNEP Executive Director, Inger Andersen at INC-4
INC-4 on plastic pollution
Courtesy call by the NSU President, Ms. Pamela Odhiambo and the Executive Committee
Remembering the Rwandan genocide 30 years on
UNEP ED Bilateral Meertings (April 2024)
INC-4 Host Country Agreement with Canada
Scavenger Hunt
Observance of Zero Waste Day in Nairobi
International Day of Forests
Sports for Nature forum
UNEP DED Bilateral Meetings (March 2024)
MEA Day reception (28th February)
Financing Agrochemical Reduction and Management (FARM) Programme
Addressing the triple planetary crisis for today and tomorrow: Seizing the opportunity of the next round of NDCs
Stepping Together Toward Ratification and Implementation of the BBNJ Agreement
UNEA-6 Final Press Conference
National statements UNEA-6
Closing Plenary of the sixth session of UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)
Leadership Dialogue 3
Committee of the Whole UNEA-6
High-level segment of UNEA-6
Press Conference: Global Waste Management Outlook launch
Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) Dialogues at UNEA-6
2024 UNEA Gala of Hope
UNEP Executive Director at UNEA-6
Kenyan First Lady Tree Planting in Karura Forest
UNEP Deputy Executive Director at UNEA-6
UNEA-6 Highlights
UNEP Executive Director meets CYMG Group
Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum
UNEA-6 Cities and Regions Summit
The 31st Meeting of the International Resource Panel
Climate and Clean Air Conference 2024
2024 Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives
2024 Global Youth Environment Assembly
Uzbekistan. UNEP Executive Director at the COP14 Convention on Migratory Species in Samarkand
Kenya. UNEP and Kenyan Government announce sixth UN Environment Assembly to be held in Nairobi
164th CPR Meeting (25th January 2024)
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (January/February 2024)
CPR Subcommittee Meeting (16th January)
UNEP ED Inger Andersen visit to the Noor power plant in Morocco
UNEP ED Inger Andersen visiting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (January 2024)
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (DEC 2023)
Courtesy visit by the Kazakhstan Ambassador, H.E. Barlybay Sadykov to UNEP
Courtesy visit from H.E. Ambassador Ignacio de Cossío
UNEP DED at 23rd Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (COP 23)
UNEP Pavilion Climate COP28
UNEP ED at Climate COP28
Climate COP28 UAE
10th Annual Subcommittee Meeting of the CPR
CPR Subcommittee
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (NOV 2023)
President of Romania H.E. Klaus Iohannis Visit UNON
INC-3 on plastic pollution
Ms.Yang Vice President Supreme People's Court (China)
Meeting between the Deputy Executive Director Elizabeth Mrema and the Finnish Development policy committee
Resumed session of the 162 CPR Subcommittee
163rd Meeting of the CPR
Minister of State for Marine Affairs, France visits UNEP
King Charles Visits UNON
Champions of the Earth 2023
MOP35 High Level Plenary (2023)
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (October 2023)
MOP35 book signing "Protecting the Ozone Layer"
UN Long Service Awards 2023
Signing of an MOU between UNEP & the Italian Government - Carabinieri
Intergovernmental Consultations on Nature-based Solutions
Committee of Permanent Representatives Subcommittee meeting (OCT 2023)
#BeatPlasticPollution - PETCO South Africa
International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste
Massimo Bottura | New York 2023
Committee of Permanent Representatives Subcommittee meeting 21st September 2023
UN General Assembly 2023
Orientation session for members of the Committee of Permanent Representatives - 2023
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (Sep 2023)
Africa Climate Week
UNEP ED Africa Climate Summit 2023 bilateral meetings
UNEP DED Bilateral Meetings (Aug 2023)
59th Meeting of the IPCC, Nairobi, Kenya
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (JULY 2023)
21st June - 162nd Meeting of CPR
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, UNEP Deputy Executive Director (2023)
UNEP ED Bilateral Meetings (June 2023)
UNEP DED Bilateral Meetings (JUNE 2023)
WED 2023 - Côte d'Ivoire
UNEP ED Inger Andersen visit to North Macedonia
UNEP at INC-2 | Paris 2023
23rd of May -Meeting of the sub committee Of Permanent Representatives
Reusable nappy/diaper laundry service
Plastic pollution solutions Cote d'ivoire - WED 2023
Solutions to #BeatPlasticPollution
UNEP DED Bilateral Meetings (MAY 2023)
INCC Chair meeting with ED Inger Andersen
International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 2023 (IDAHOBIT)
Colombian Vice President, H.E Francia Marquez visit to the United Nations
WED 2023 - Chile, Algramo
UNEP ED Inger Andersen signing of MoU with China delegation
UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen Mission to Malawi
Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director (2023)
27th of April-Meeting of the sub committee Of Permanent Representatives
UNEP/WFP MoU signing at The Emara Ole Sereni
UN Secretary-General António Guterres swearing in of DSGs ceremony at Emara Ole Sereni
Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution
UN Secretary-General António Guterres visit to the UN, Nairobi, Kenya
UNEP ED Meetings in Nairobi (MAY 2023)
H.E. Dr. Joyce Banda, Former President of the Republic of Malawi visit to UNEP
UNEP Deputy Executive Director signing of an agreement with Director General of the International Affairs Bureau and the KFS Delegation Dr. PARK Eunsik
UNEP ED Inger Andersen mission to Colombia
UNEP ED Meetings in Nairobi (April 2023)
A Life Cycle Approach to Plastic
UNEA 5.2 Plastic Tap
UNEP DED Meetings in Nairobi (April 2023)
UNEP DED Meetings in Nairobi (March 2023)
The 161st Meeting of the CPR
UNEP ED Meetings in Nairobi (March 2023)
Meeting of Africa Group Members in Nairobi
Launch of Nairobi Rivers Commission by H.E President William Ruto of Kenya
Committee of Permanent Representatives meeting (FEB 16TH 2023)
UNEP ED meetings in Nairobi (FEB 2023)
UNEP Executive Director mission to Barbados for the 6th Global Leaders Group Meeting
Site visit to Mr. Green Africa and Dandora dumpsite
CPR Subcommittee Meeting 19th January
160th CPR Meeting (Resumed), 12 Jan 2023
UNEP ED meetings in Nairobi (JAN 2023)
COP 15 Closing Plenary
COP 15 High Level Segment - Day 3
COP 15 High Level Segment - Day 2
COP 15 High Level Segment - Day 1
DED Sonja Leighton-Kone Bilateral meetings December 2022
DED Sonja Leighton-kone signing SIDA-UNEP agreement
UNEP ED meetings in Nairobi (NOV 2022)
UN Drought Appeal 2022, Kenya
SMT Group retreat
Climate COP27 Egypt
The Seventh Edition of the Global Environment Outlook Scoping Meeting 17 - 20 October 2022
UNEP ED meetings in Nairobi (Oct 2022)
Opening of the 9th annual Subcommittee
ACL Policy Dialogues in Kasane, Botswana
IETC 30th Anniversary
DED Sonja Leighton-Kone meeting German MPs Delegation
WED 2022
WED 2022 - Sweden
Youth Climate Action
Leadership Dialogues, Action Hub and Side Events Stockholm+50
Opening Plenary Stockholm+50
Stockholm +50
Inger Andersen at Stockholm+50
Stockholm 1972 Archival images
Hand over of Saypes' artwork to UNEP
Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director in action
UNEP 2022
Circular Economy Video - Africa Collect Textiles&Gikomba Visit
Memorial for Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 (2022)
Looking back, 50 years of UNEP
Climate Justice Activist - Vanessa Nakate
_UNEP@50_Plenary of the special session
UNEA 5.2 Bilateral Meetings - Sonja Leighton-Kone
UNEP@50 - Germany multi partner trust fund
UNEP@50-World Environment situation room
UNEP@50 - Strengthening youth programmes with the Minister of Environment of Colombia
UNEA 5.2_Bilateral Meetings_Alberto Pacheco - 01/03/2022
UNEP@50_Bilateral with VP Teresa Ribera Rodríguez - 03/03/2022
UNEP@50 - High Level Session - 03/03/2022
UNEP@50_President Kenyatta Visit
UNEA 5.2 Closing Press Conference_Cyril Villemain
Rocky Reggae Perfomance
UNEP_UNEA 5.2_Reactions of Plastic Resolution Passed
UNEA 5.2_Leadership Dialogue 2/3/2022
UNEA 5.2 High Level Segment Opening Plenary
UNEA 5.2_Leadership Dialogue 1/3/2022
UNEA 5.2 DSG Field trip to school and river project
UNEA 5 Leadership Dialogues with MEAs
UNEA 5.2 Bilateral with Inger Andersen and Minister Goldsmith, UK
UNEA 5.2 Plenary and National Statements 1/3/2022
DSG Arrival to UNEA and Official Opening Speech
UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: From Commitments to Actions for Nature
UNEA 5.2 Signage
UNEA 5.2 Plenary and National Statements
UNEA 5.2 Africa Group Consultation
UNEA 5.2 Opening Press Conference
UNEA 5.2 Bilateral Meetings - Inger Andersen
Side Events UNEA 5.2
Opening Plenary UNEA 5.2
Youth Environment Assembly
Dandora visit with ED & UNEA President
SAYPE Lawn Mural for UNEA 5.2
UNEA 5.2
Coral Bleaching
Global Trade in Used Vehicles Report 2020
Photos by Christian Pondella/ Red Bull
Sustainable fashion
Memorial Service for Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302
COP 25 Madrid
SDG Games
2019 Champions of the Earth Awards
SG Visit to Kamukunji in Nairobi, Kenya
Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director
User Generated Content - World Environment Day 2019
World Environment Day 2019 UNON
Mask Challenge - World Environment Day 2019
UNEA 4 Bilateral Meeting
DSG and Rwanda bilateral UNEA4
Discussion, UNEA4
Ministerial Lunch UNEA4
UNEA4 Official Group Photo
Estonia, Fashion, UNEA4
Karura Forest climate strike youth
Wrap-up Session UNEA4
Closing Press Conference UNEA4
Official visit, Nairobi National Park, UNEA 4
Amina J. Mohammed, Sustainable Innovation Expo, UNEA 4
France and Kenya, UNEA4
Sustainable Fashion Alliance Launch
Youth For Power UNEA4
One Planet Summit UNEA4
Group Photo UNEA4
I was a Sari UNEA4
High Level Opening
VIP Arrival to UNEA4
Chemicals and Waste
Wild For Life Malawi
Joyce Msuya MOU signing with Ramsar
GEO 6 Youth Event. UNEA4
GEO6 Event UNEA4
Women's Ministerial Breakfast, UNEA4
Press Conference GEO6 UNEA4
Human Rights Based Approaches Side Event
Youth and Sports event, UNEA 4
Young Champions of the Earth at UNEA4
Sustainable African Fashion, UNEA4
UNEA4 around the venue
Marine Litter side event, UNEA 4
Clean Seas Tent, March 11, UNEA 4
Panel discussion on addressing single use plastic, 11 March, UNEA 4
Opening press conference UNEA 4
Sustainable Innovation Expo 2019
Minute of silence for the victims and loved ones of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET 302, UNEA4
Official Opening of UNEA4
Science and Policy Business Forum 2019 - Closing
Science and Policy Business Forum 2019 - Opening
#TheLastGame vs Kenya's Ice Lions
Young Champions 2018 Naivasha workshop with Covestro.
Selects - Champions of the Earth 2018
Champions of the Earth 2018
World Environment Day 2018 - Nairobi, Kenya
World Environment Day 2018 - India
NY Scoping meeting - Governing Consortium
Inaugural Science Policy Business Forum
Environmental Governance
Women's Ministerial Breakfast, UNEA 3
Clean Seas Dome Signing Ceremony, UNEA 3
Champions of the Earth 2017: Red Carpet
Tribute to Women Human Rights and Environmental Defenders, UNEA3
UN Environment Aseembly 3: Closing Plenary/Resolutions
Clean Seas Event, 5 December 2017, UNEA3
Dia Mirza, Goodwill Ambassador, at UNEA3
Closing Press Conference, UNEA3
PAGE Press Event, UNEA3
UN Environment Assembly 3: Fast Action on Air Pollution
Clean Seas Tent - various
Ellie Goulding at UN Environment Assembly
UN Environment Assembly 3: Group Photo
Champions of the Earth 2017
UN Environment Assembly 3: High Level Side Event - Marine Litter
UN Environment Assembly 3: Leadership Dialogues
UN Environment Assembly 3: High Level Segment
UNEA 3 general photos
Reducing Pollution in the Extractives Sector
Environmental Defenders Media Session
Media Tent - Space/Astronauts
Clean Seas Event, UNEA 3
Leaders' Networking Luncheon
UN Environment Assembly 3: Opening of the Plenary
Vijay Shekhar Sharma - UN Environment Patron of Clean Air
Trip to Vipingo, Kenya
Sustainable Innovation Expo, UNEA 3
UNEA3 Bike Ride
Ellie Goulding visits Kenya - UN Environment
#BeatPollution - Watamu Media Trip
UN Environment Logos/ UNEA3 Portraits
#OurOcean - High-level meeting on Coral Reefs
Pacific Regional Training Workshop for Biosafety Clearing House National Focal Points.
Costa Rica - Global Dialogue on Oceans
WED 2017: Connecting With Nature at Karura Forest,Nairobi- Kenya
World Environment Day, Canada 2017
Global Goals World Cup - Nairobi
2016 Champions of the Earth
COP 22
Oil fields ablaze in Mosul, Iraq
Building the Change Exhibition Habitat III, Quito
Maskbook Workshop Habitat III, Quito
Mountain Gorillas, Rwanda
CITES CoP17 and Black Mamba Visit
Mumbai Beach Clean-up
Climate Change - Adaptation
Maskbook exhibit, UNEA 2
Illegal Bird Hunting
World Environment Day 2016 - Angola
UNEA-2 Photos
Environmental Crime 2016
UNEA2 Group Photo
UNEA 2. Press Conference
UNEA 2 - Final Session
Kenya's Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources/Finland's Minister of Agriculture and the Environment, UNEA 2.
UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner. Press Conference, UNEA 2.
Verified Conservation Area signing ceremony
Achim Steiner, Press Interview
Mary Robinson. UNEA-2
Marine Plastic Debris and Microplastics, UNEA
UNEA group photo- behind the scenes
SIDE EVENT, Healthy Ecosystems
High Level Segment. UNEA-2
UNEA Unplugged
Chris Shipton, Cartoonist, @ UNEA 2
Role of Private Finance in Sustainable Development press conference. UNEA
Wild For Life. Stand.
Wild For Life. Conference
Wild For Life. Photo opportunity
The Symposium on Mobilizing Sustainable Investment. Panel 2. UNEA 2
Symposium Mobilising Sustainable Investment - Panel 1
UNEA2 Lead in Paint Side Event
High-Level Gender and Environment Forum
GEF Partnership. UNEA-2
UNEP Executive Director visits UNEA2 exhibits
Illegal Wildlife Trade Press Conference
UNEA2 Exhibits
Event Air Quality
Event on Sustainable Pastoralism
UNEA-2 Opening
Solar Soccer Cup
International Day for Biodiversity
UNEA2 Major Groups and Stakeholders Meeting
UNEA-2: Science Forum Award Ceremony
UNEA-2:: Science Policy Opening Session
ROLAC: XX Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe
Remembering Mostafa Kamal Tolba, Former Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Sasakawa Prize Legacy and 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner
UNEP 40th Anniversary Marathon
UNEP at 50
World Wildlife Day 2016
UNEP GWA:: Yann Arthus Bertrand
UNEP GWA:: Gisele Bündchen
UNEP GWA:: UNEP Goodwill Ambassador Don Cheadle
UNEP GWA:: UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner designated Chinese actress Li Bingbing as a UNEP Goodwill Ambassador on 4 July, 2010 in Shanghai, China.
UNEP GWA:: Visit to an informal settlement in Kibera.
UNEP GWA:: Public Service Announcement Photo Shoot
UNEP GWA:: Seeing death amongst wild elephants and hearing the stories and songs of the Samburu tribe, Samburu Reserve, Kenya.
UNEP GWA:: A safari never to be forgotten. Meeting the amazing Samburu tribe and experiencing the life of wild elephants, Samburu Reserve, Kenya.
UNEP GWA:: Meeting baby elephant orphans at David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, meeting the brave force on the frontline at Kenya Wildlife Service and raising awareness with World Experts at UNEP Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya.
UNEP GWA:: Pioneer Swimmer Lewis Pugh Unveiled as UN Environment Programme Patron for Oceans
UNEP GWA:: Professional Footballer Yaya Touré Unveiled as UN Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador
UNEP GWA:: Actor and Environmentalist Ian Somerhalder Designated as UNEP Goodwill Ambassador on World Environment Day 2014
UNEP GWA:: UNEP Patron for Oceans, Lewis Pugh is swimming the Seven Seas to urge policy makers to protect at least 10% of the world's seas in a network of well managed and well designed Marine Protected Areas.
UNEP GWA:: Li BingBing at the 2014 Climate Change Summit in New York, USA.
UNEP GWA:: Gisele Bündchen at the 2014 Champions of the Earth Award Ceremony in Washington, USA.
OE-CPR 2016
ROLAC: América Latina comparte buenas prácticas para fortalecer la gobernanza de los recursos hídricos
COP21: Venue
COP 21: Sustainable Innovation Forum
COP21 - UNEP Homepage
COP21 Exhibits
COP21: Opening Ceremony
ROLAC: PNUMA ORPALC apoya la campaña ÚNETE para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas
ROLAC: Foro Ambiental “Avanzado hacia una economía limpia: rol del sector privado”
ROLAC: Encuentro parlamentario sobre cambio climático en América Latina y el Caribe
ROLAC: Panamá celebra el 70mo aniversario de la ONU
ROLAC: América Latina se capacitan para conservar los animales silvestres migratorios
ROLAC: XIX Reunión del Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe
ROLAC: V Reunión del Comité Ministerial Trinacional del Corredor Biológico en el Caribe
ROLAC: Panamá celebró el Día de las Naciones Unidas
ROLAC: Ibrahim Thiaw visita Cuba en la víspera de la Tercera Conferencia Internacional de SIDS
ROLAC: El director ejecutivo adjunto del PNUMA visita Panamá
ROLAC: Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2014 en Barbados
ROLAC: XXIII Concurso Internacional de Pintura Infantil TUNZA 2014
ROLAC: XIX Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y El Caribe
ROLAC: Ministros de energía de América Central adoptarán Estrategia de Iluminación Eficiente
ROLAC: Reunión Regional TUNZA para América Latina y el Caribe
ROLAC: Lanzamiento de GEO-5 en Español
ROLAC: XXII Concurso Internacional de Pintura Infantil TUNZA 2013
ROLAC: Segunda Muestra Itinerante de FICMA
ROLAC: Reunión Anual Conjunta de las Redes Acción por el Ozono de América Latina y El Caribe
ROLAC: Proyecto “Soporte a las áreas protegidas de Mesoamérica”
ROLAC: Alianza España-PNUMA auspicia el proyecto "Soporte a las áreas protegidas de Mesoamérica" en Panamá y El Salvador
ROLAC: Presentación del GEO-5 en Panamá
ROLAC: XXI Concurso Internacional de Pintura Infantil TUNZA 2012
ROLAC: Ciclo de Conversatorios en Panamá en el Contexto de Río+20
ROLAC: Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2010
ROLAC: XVII Reunión del Foro de Ministros de Medio Ambiente de América Latina y el Caribe
UNEP Regional Office for Africa
UNEP @70 Celebrations:: The Nest
UNEP @70 Celebrations:: Karuri High School
UNEP @70 Celebrations:: Nairobi International School
UNEP @70 Celebrations:: Ketiti PCEA Kibera Church
UNEP @70 Celebrations:: Akiba High School Kangemi
2015 Champions of the Earth Laureates at the Social Good Summit
2015 Champions of the Earth Award Ceremony
UNEP Homepage
2015 Champions of the Earth
WED 2015:: WED Celebrations at Ricoh
Inquiry:: MovingtowardsPost-ExtractiveEconomiesReflecti
WED 2015:: Department of Public Health of Northern University Bangladesh
WED 2015:: WED 2015 with Suzanna Owiyo
WED 2015:: Piccadilly Circus, UK
WED 2015:: WED 2015 celebrations at the UNEP office in Paris, France
WED 2015:: Kenya Celebrates
WED 2015:: Abu Dhabi
WED 2015:: LG screens WED 2015 video in Times Square, NYC
WED 2015:: Cote d'Ivoire Celebrates
WED 2015:: Ethiopia Celebrates
WED 2015:: UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner and the Mayor of Milan, at Milan Expo
WED 2015:: RAI TV Cooking Show commemorates WED 2015
WED 2015:: Parade at Milan Expo
WED 2015:: Sustainable Pavilion Awards at Milan Expo
WED 2015:: President Matarella's speech at Milan Expo
WED 2015:: Yaya Toure and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner arrive in eco-friendly car to Milan Expo
WED 2015:: Mountain week at Milan Expo
WED 2015:: Children's cooking activity at Milan Expo with Yaya Toure and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner
Bonn Climate Change Conference 2015
WED 2015 Sri Lanka
WED 2015 around the world, Xinhua
The US Embassy, Luxembourg, WED 2015
WED 2015 in India
New Delhi WED 2015 celebration
Islamabad WED 2015 celebrations
Mumbai, India, celebrates WED 2015
Chicago Botanic Garden marks WED
WED 2015 in Abu Dhabi
WED 2015 celebrations, Trinidad and Tobago
WED 2015 celebrations, Guyana
WED celebrations, Barbados
WED 2015:: University of Costa Rica celebrates World Environment Day
WED 2015:: Official WED Blogger, Milan Expo
WED 2015:Bahamas Beach Clean up
WED 2015:: WED Celebrations in Kibera, Kenya
WED 2015:: WED celebrations at Milan Expo
UN Green Fair for WED 2015!
WED 2015:: press conference, 4 June 2015, Milan Expo
WED 2015:: Nairobi Celebrates
WED 2015:: Cyprus
WED 2015::Lebanon - WED community celebrations
UNEP Inquiry side event
Marine Litter: UNEP/CPPS project
Forum of Ministers & Environment Authorities of Asia Pacific
Solar Impulse
World Wildlife Day 2015
UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner's visit to the Philippines, Feb 26 2015
UNEP Inquiry Kenya country convening