severalsnakes: Side light
severalsnakes: Dewy Grass (@f/4)
severalsnakes: Rooster re-mix (Lightroom)
Nick Cowling: We have no time to stand and stare . . .
Nick Cowling: Hygrocybe's Last Hurrah
johndecember: East Side Sign Memorializing Some Cultural Icons
Mark...L: Norman Pipkorn B&W
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Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2017-03-17 P9630111 First Great Egret chicks of the year! (video)
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2017-06-08 A Leap of Faith
Tara Tanaka Digiscoped Photography: 2017-06-10 P1000503 Our "deck bunny" - please view large
Curculion: Bruant hudsonien / American Tree Sparrow [Spizella arborea]
Curculion: Faucon émerillon / Merlin [Falco columbarius]
Andrea.Cofi: Kent_School_Church (1 von 1)
Andrea.Cofi: Morgendliche Ruhe
Andrea.Cofi: Schüttelhund
JeanJoachim: Mésange bleue