*April*: Suddenly, I'm 16 again. Wonderful evening and fantastic dinner with Cade Peterson. I can't believe it's been half a lifetime since we've seen each other.
*April*: Everyday since he was born someone (usually me) would have to cuddle him until he fell asleep at which point we'd try to quietly extricate ourselves. This week has been the first that he's truly slept alone in his entire life. I became so accustomed to it
*April*: Longer than always is a long long time
*April*: In an Executive Leadership class all day and I've been branded "the woman with the shoes." I'm o.k. with that.
*April*: 365 reject
*April*: Nobody knew for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back - except for one.
*April*: Hello fall, I've missed you so much.
*April*: I miss the sunshine on my face...
*April*: When I wear the same color as my engagement ring, my days rock. Going to be a run on sapphire blue dresses, I'm afraid.
*April*: Incipit vita nova.
*April*: Last week.
*April*: Breakfast
*April*: Baffled...
*April*: Comfortable
*April*: When I was little I used to get a new dress and patent leather shoes for Easter - now I get something a bit different.
*April*: Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box.
*April*: Spring cleaning. Yard mowed.En route to Disney on Ice. God help me.
*April*: Upon seeing my nails Julian declared that I was an awesome mom, even if I might be turning into a robot.
*April*: Lortab, Zofran and jello
*April*: A goodnight kiss
*April*: Relief - and hooray for being a ten percenter!
*April*: Come hell or high water...
*April*: There are some places that the road doesn't go in a circle. There are some places where the road keeps going.
*April*: Careful. I'll start to believe you...
*April*: Lucy doesn't love you, not like you want her to.