*April*: Peanut
*April*: Bagger
*April*: Vicki! I-I thought I heard your voice!
*April*: A matter of perspective
*April*: Triumphed.
*April*: la Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Monmartre
*April*: Front yard 12/8/05
*April*: Shadowed
*April*: When all your promises are gone, I'm the only one.
*April*: Peppermint
*April*: I'm a stranger to myself.
*April*: You're a dirty, dirty man and you - you gotta dirty mind
*April*: Some days you wake and immediately start to worry. Nothing in particular is wrong, it's just the suspicion that forces are aligning quietly and there will be trouble.
*April*: Sail
*April*: I can understand Monet's fascination...
*April*: Road Trip
*April*: Solitude
*April*: No apologies ever need be made, I know you better than you fake it
*April*: Fire on the horizon
*April*: We Are an Imperalist Regime.
*April*: you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
*April*: Union Station Ceiling
*April*: The only way.
*April*: Through the Looking Glass
*April*: Play enthnicky jazz to parade your snazz on your five grand stereo
*April*: algae
*April*: 2 feet below the surface ~ I can still make out your wavy face