avprasad: UN - General Assembly
avprasad: UN - Security Council
avprasad: UN - Economic & Social Council
avprasad: UN - Trusteeship Council
avprasad: Statue of Liberty
avprasad: NYC from Liberty Island
avprasad: NASDAQ
avprasad: Times Square
avprasad: Times Square
avprasad: ESB - July 4th Color Scheme
avprasad: ESB inside
avprasad: ESB at 70 degree angle
avprasad: Street of New York
avprasad: Tower of ESB
avprasad: NY - Wide Angle view of Buildings
avprasad: NYC from ESB top most level
avprasad: Chrysler & MetLife Building
avprasad: From ESB
avprasad: NYSE - trillion dollars being traded
avprasad: Downtown from New Port
avprasad: Trump Tower
avprasad: Columbia University - Butler Library
avprasad: Columbia University - Low Library
avprasad: Columbia University - Butler Library