Signed book of condolence at UNHQ today. Feel so pure writing to him albeit after he passed away. Rest in Peace, Mr. Mandela. The world misses you.
Signed book of condolence at UNHQ today. Feel so pure just writing to him albeit after he passed away. Rest in Peace, Mr. Mandela. The world misses you.
Oyster mushrooms and grape tomatoes sautéed in Aceto Balsamico over Fresh Baby Spinach. #homemade
Quinoa wrapped in seasoned Seaweed, and side of sautéed Shiitake mushrooms and Bok Choy.
Tangy &!Spicy bacalao served on a Bagel with side of grilled potatoes and Taramosalata - Caviar spread #homemade
Je ne demande pas la lune mais juste une morceau de ciel bleu. (I'm not asking for the moon but just a piece of blue sky.)