Patrick Ng: Chronodex Jan-Jun 2019 released! Download: It’s gonna be great in 2019 isn’t it? Working on new development of Chronodex and hopefully it will come into light soon. #chronodex #scheduler #gtd #timemanagement #diary #journaling #stat
Patrick Ng: This is the first ever die-cut charm made by @travelers_company, so honoured MF Bear being the first, and it is holding a tiny TN :) #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #midoritravelersnotebook #notebook #mfbear #manualfactory #manualfactorybear #stationery
oceancodex: ср12 (1 of 1)
Patrick Ng: Always write with a charming pen you want to carry. These are what I carried today. #pen #pencil #fountainpen @ystudiostyle #visconti #rotring @rotringofficial #pilotpen #heritage92 #pilotheritage #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryporn #stationeryadd
Patrick Ng: Heading to 3 cities in Japan. #travelersnote #travelersnotebook #passport #logonhk #charm #tag #luggage @gradolabs @wotancraft #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryporn #stationeryaddict #headphone #travel #lifewelltravelled #JAL #japan #potd
Patrick Ng: Legends from Hong Kong, very proud of these past successes. Brass pens: Star Ferry edition 2013, HK Tramways edition 2014, city'super 20th anniversary edition 2016, Mister Softee edition 2017. #starferry #hktram #citysuper @citysuperhk #mistersoftee #bras
Bardia Photography: When Breath Becomes Air
Hans-Jörg Aleff: Balustrade
Eric Seneca Kim: Hanoi, 2017 "14th Street"
Patrick Ng: It was all black yesterday and I love being in stealth mode. Gotta make a pen loop to hold my pen on this particular TN. #stationery #stationerylove #stationeryporn #stationeryaddict #lifestyle #travelersnote #travelerscompany #travelersnotebook #blacklov
Patrick Ng: That weird music note in a score, that inkling among the sea of thoughts; the book we choose to pick up, the spot we choose to lie down. There are always aftertastes for all these. A notebook's aftertaste keeps me returning to it, only 1 out of 100 has t
Masashi Wakui: Rainy Night In Tokyo
Masashi Wakui: Today's Shibuya
baronbrks: L1000596.jpg
Patrick Ng: Super impressed by the latest Impossible Project colours, very vibrant and the tone is what I've been long waiting for. Now I'm almost ready to stick 'polaroids' on my photo wall once again. Tonight I explained to my kid the history of our time for instan
MT...: Toyo street
胖胖豬: DSC07158
胖胖豬: alone
JMF_: Ipanema
ikanografik: Close up! #artwork #art #france #graffiti #graff #street #streetart #draw #odvcrew #cbscrew #onoffcrew #kano #kanos #ikano #cellograff #cantbestopped #paris
MT...: Tokyo people
budayeen: IMG_2461-Edit
budayeen: 2015-09-25-0005
Rogm@: Image 1 22