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albums of UNC - CFC - USFK
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Backbone University 2025
UNC/CFC/USFK Change of Command 20241220
241022 - 241025 Mangudai Challenge 2024
241023 UNC SGT Shin
20241018 J2 Dinner
20241004 MND
20241008 KBSC
20241004 ROK Minister of National Defense visit
20241004 ROK Minister of National Defense visit
20241004 Armistice room ceremony
20241004 ROK Minister of National Defense visit
240919 UJ6 UFS24 Awards
240919 Armistice room meeting
240912 SGM Olsen PCS Award
20240823 Thurber and Jin Farewell Ceremony
240730 Sec of the Army visit
240812 Civilian length of service awards
240809 Philippine Embassy JSA Visit
MG Crist Promotion 08-08-2024
250522 DoDEA Appreciation Awards
240503 USC COC Ceremony
20240418 MAJ(P) Fernando Award Ceremony
240405 GEN. Ahn Award Presentation
240405 USMC Col Promotion
240405 Air Force Promotion
240404 Good Neighbor Awards 2024
240404 SAAPM Proclamation Signing 2024
240321 VADM Visit to UNC CoS
240119 Tri-Command Employee Recognition Ceremony
United States Forces Korea Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl
Logistics Symposium
Ambassadors Roundtable
14 Jul 23 - USC CoC Ceremony
Mangudai Challenge 2023
KUSAF & KDVA Veterans Gala
Two Korean War veterans memorialized at Paju DMZ Peace Park
Promotions of Two New Senior Enlisted Noncommissioned Officers
New Zealand Award Ceremony
75th ROK Armed Forces Day
Warriors of Excellence 2023
Maj. Laura Evans promotion ceremony
Religious Program Specialist Scarlett Rose Seneta Reenlists in U.S. Navy
Sergeant Mitchell Receives Joint Commendation Award
Newly Appointed Director for U.S. Forces Korea Resources and Assessments
U.S. Forces Korea Senior Civilian Employees Recognition Ceremony
United States Forces Korea commemorates 73rd Anniversary of the Korean War
United Nations Korean War Veterans Descendants Visit Joint Security Area
The Korea America Friendship Society hosts the annual June Festival banquet and Friendship Awards Presentations to honor the 70th Anniversary
United States Forces Korea Celebrates the Army's 248th Birthday
UNC/CFC/USFK hosts Women Peace and Security Symposium
Maj. Gen. Lonnie Hibbard Retires After 34 Years of Devoted Service
Gunnery Sergeant Lee Yuen's promotion to First Sergeant
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission Swedish Member Change of Responsibility
Stephen Kinker retires after 49 years of government service
Staff Sergeant Constable Receives Joint Service Commendation
Korea Institute for Defense Analyses(KIDA) 62nd Defense Forum
USFK/CFC/UNC commander Gen. Paul LaCamera greets Soldiers from Charlie Battery, 2nd Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment
USFK/CFC/UNC Memorial Day Ceremony
Commemoration of the U.S. Military Participation in the Korean War and the Miracle Battle of Gapyeong
Marine Corps Major General Receives Defense Superior Service Medal
USFK Recognition Ceremony
UNC Honor Guard Change of Command
USFK DoDEA Recognition Awards
USFK enlisted servicemembers visit Joint Security Area
USFK Deputy Commander Recognizes Civilians for Exemplary Service
Community Submission Gallery
ANZAC Day Dawn Service 2023
Colonel Jason Rossi award ceremony
Australia and New Zealand Gapyeong Ceremony
Maj. Gen. Lonnie Hibbard Officiates Promotion of Lt. Col. Christopher Bryant to Colonel
Battle of Gapyeong Commonwealth Commemoration Ceremony
USFK 2023 Counter Ballistice Missile Symporium - 6th April 2023
U.S. Senator for Georgia Visits USFK
Backbone University 2023
Ambassadors Roundtable, United Nations Command
UNC CFC USFK Holiday Reception - 2 Dec 22
Veterans Day Ceremony Nov. 11, 2022
CSG5 Busan visit, Sept. 23-26, 2022
Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits USFK, Aug. 3 and 4
2nd ROK-US CSELs Keystone Seminar
USFK Memorial Day Ceremony 2022
President Biden visits Korea, 20 May 2022
UNC/CFC/USFK Commander Farewells ROK Defense Minister, May 5, 2022
POTROK-elect visits Camp Humphreys, March 7, 2022
Change of Responsibility, March 25, 2022
U.S. and ROK Committed to Maintaining Ironclad Alliance
U.S. Patriot Battery Validates Readiness
USFK hosts 18th annual “Good Neighbor” awards ceremony
Kunsan Battle Field Circulation, Feb. 4, 2022
Civilian Employee of the Year Award Ceremony
USFK Veterans Day Ceremony 2021
Mangudai 2021
ROK-US Senior Leader Forum at Korea Combat Training Center, 13 Sept. 2021
Gen. LaCamera presents coins and a PCS award at Morning Calm Center, Aug. 4, 2021
68th Armistice Agreement Memorial Ceremony
Gen. Paul LaCamera visits Special Operations Command Korea, July 26
Gen. LaCamera Office Call with Hon. Min, Hong Chul and Gen. (R) Kim, Jin Ho
Gen. Paul LaCamera attends 10th ROK-US Alliance Forum
Gen. Paul LaCamera's first visit to JSA and DMZ
Gen. LaCamera's reception at Camp Humphreys, July 2, 2021.
UNC / CFC/ USFK Change of Command
KAFS farewell dinner
INDOPACOM Commander visits Korea
Pohang Staff Ride
U.S. Senators visit Joint Security Area
GEN Abrams' breakfast with key leaders, Jun. 10, 2021.
ROK MINDEF visits JSA, Oct. 3, 2020.
Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense, Mr. Suh, Wook, visits USAG-Yongsan, Sept. 29, 2020
ROK CJCS Visits USAG-Yongsan Sept. 2020
MG Michele Bredenkamp’s Promotion
Memorial Day Ceremony 2021
Media Round Table 2020
Civilian Award Ceremony 2020
Media Round Table
ROK Army, 5th Artillery Live Fire
UN Founding Day
ROK-US Partnership Dinner
17th Korea-America Friendship Night
Camp Bonifas Ceremony 20190827 - JAS
Civilian Award Ceremony 2019
Col. Brian Allgood Hospital Ribbon Cutting
Commander Cup Golf Tournament
USO Gala
UNC 2018
2018 Highlights
KAGNS Ski Tour
GEN (R) Paik Sun-Yup Visit
PTPI Korea NHQS 46th Award Banquet & Int'l Friendship Night
UNC Repatriation Ceremony 181120
Gen. Abrams Korean War Memorial Visit
VFW's Veteran's Day Ceremony
Gen. Abrams visits JSA
UNC/CFC/USFK Change of Command
40th Anniversary of Combined Forces Command Foundation K-POP Concert
USFK Headquarter Barbecue party
The Alliance SEL Social
Gen. Brooks Millennium Club Luncheon
Command Run 2018
The Senior Enlisted Leaders of the ROK/U.S. Allaince
UNC returns New Zealand Sailor and Soldier buried in South Korea
2018 Good Neighbor Awards Ceremony
7th Air Force Ball
USFK Civilian of the Year Awards
LT. Gen. Bergeson recieves award from MND
1ABCT 3ID Senior Lunch
1st ABCT, 3rd ID visit
Former UN Secretary visit
ROK U.S. Chaplain Symposium
Repatriation Ceremony
Opening of UNC/USFK Headquarters building
MG Walton retirement ceremony
Knapper and Harris Exchange Seats
Repatriation Ceremony
BG Johnson Promotion
American AMB 4th of July Celebration
KNA Senior Class Lecture
Korean American Club
IndoPACOM Command Visit
KAFS Dinner
HMS Albion Welcome Reception
18 Jun 2018 UNC Senior Member CoR
18th Deceased Patriot Ritual
Col. Johnson Promotion Ceremony
USFK Memorial Day Ceremony
SES Promotion Ceremony
Gimhae Gwangju Visit
Korea strategic Seminar
Strengthen the Alliance Dinner
NNSC Spring Meeting
20180509 Capstone Lecture
2018 Humphreys Dental Visit
2018 KIDA Visit
2018 APR/MAY Coin Ceremony
2018 Canadian Delegation Visit
20180412National War College Lecture
20180404 2-1 ADA visit
20180404 19th ESC Round Table
LTC Donald Kim Promotion
20180328 Ven. Pomnyun visits CFC
20180321 EU Delegates Meeting
20180314 Town Hall Meeting
Thai Command and Staff College
Lt. Col. Wrice Promotion
Olympic Winterfest
20180214 TogetHER event
VP Pence visits Korea
Korean Military Academy visit
UNC-R Change Of Command
Jan. AMB Round Table
USAG Humphreys MLK Observance
Royal Thai Armed Forces Day
PyeongChang Visit
20180110 AMCHAM
20180105 Lt. Gen. Vandel Retirement Ceremony
20180105 Lt. Gen. Bills Promotion
20180105 8A Change Of Command
National Unification Advisory Council Forum
20171215 Warrior Strike Visit
20171215 ROK CBRDC visit
20171215 Award Ceremony
20171213 USFK Holiday Party
20171213 Frocking ceremony for BG Howerton and BG Drew
20171213 Mr. Mize Advancement
20171208 PTPI 45th Annual Awards Banquet and International Friendship Night
20171206-07 KAGNS Ski&Snowboard Tour Program and Year End Banquet
CFC Birthday Reception
20171203 USFK/CFC Holiday Reception
C4I Summit
20171128 ELDP
20171123 nK Rescue Awardees
20171123 Camp Bonifas Thanksgiving
20171121 Thanksgiving Cake Cutting Ceremony
20171121 Repatriation Ceremony
20171115-17 Japan Visit
20171118 Veterans Appreciation Luncheon
20171110 Warfighter Visit
20171111 Veteran's Day Ceremony
20171108 U.S. Marine Corps Birthday Ceremony
20171106 ROKA 7th Corp River Crossing Ex.
20171107 Sec. Tillerman Visits Korea
20171107 POTUS arrives in Korea
20171027 KFFCS ROK-US Finest Servicemembers Banquet
20171027 SECDEF Mattis Visit
20171026 Revisit Korea Banquet
20171026 CJCS/PACOM visit Yongsan
20171025 KAA Dinner
USS Ronald Reagan Busan visit
171026 67th Commemorative Ceremony of Changjin Campaign Heroes
171019 Good Neighbor Program Award Ceremony
171014 Busan Visit
171014 Navy Ball 2017
170927 RLDP-Pacific
ROK CJCS Honors Ceremony
69th ROK Armed Forces Day
Korean Veterans Affairs visit
20170922 Revisit Korea Dinner
20170922 19th ESC COR
20170921 Lt. Gen. West Visit
20170920 USFK Civilian Employee of the year
20170909 Men's Conference Spirit Warrior
20170916 Air Force Ball 2017
20170816 KAA Luncheon
201708 Exercise
20170820 CODEL Markey
20170814 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs visits Korea
20170809 NNSC Change of Responsibility
20170812 | THAAD Environmental Study
20170728 | AF All Hands
20170719 | European Union Meeting
20170630 | USFK J2 visits retired ROK Gen. Paik, Sun-yup during LPD
20170710 | 8th Army Headquarters Yongsan Signage Removal
20170626 | MPVA Revisit Korea Dinner
20170625 | 67th Commemorative of the Outbreak of the Korean War
20170622 | Kunsan Visit
20170622 | Repatriation Ceremony
20170621 | Minister Kang Kyung-wha | MOFA HQ Visit
20170614 | MARFOR-K Change of Command | Knight Field
20170613 | ROK President Moon visits Yongsan Garrison
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20170612 | Korean Defense Veterans Association Dinner
20170609 | 1ID 100th Year Anniversary 100 Soldiers Enlistment Ceremony
20170610 | Seoul American High School Graduation
20170602 | 8A Army Birthday Ball
Mangudai Warrior Challenge 2017
20170504 CSM Payton TR
170418-170419 Taekwondo Camp
170402 | Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS) 2017
170401 | Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS) 2017 Welcome Dinner
170317 | U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Visits Korea
THAAD elements arrive in the ROK
161219 | ROK MPVA Appreciation Ceremony
161129 | 2ID Readiness Inspection
161124 | Thanksgiving Troops Visit
161123 | Thanksgiving Luncheon w ROK
161123 | GEN(r) Paik Sun-yup 96th Birthday
141031 The Marine Corps Birthday ceremony
140929 The 2014 Good Neighbor Awards Ceremony
140819 - ROK Minister of Defense visits Yongsan for Honor Guard Ceremony
140828 ROK Chairman of the Defense Committee Visits CP Tango
140727 61st Anniversary of Korean Armistice
140718 Gen. Park's visit to I Corps/BG Turenne
20140704 - USFK welcomes new citizens
140522 Memorial Day Ceremony 2014
140508 Ambassador's Roundtable
20140425 U.S. President Barack Obama visits USFK
20140313 US and ROK senior enlisted visit PY-do
20140213 African American/Black History Month Main Observance
20140206 STB, USFK Change of Responsibility
20140206 ROKFLEET visit Busan
20140204 Korean Military Academy cadets visit CFC
20140102 Special Measures Agreement
20140127 Command Team PRT
140115 DoD Chief Information Officer visits DMZ
131223 - Visit to ROK 25th ID
131220 - Holiday fun run
131219 Christmas Carols
131214 USFK commander's holiday reception
131216 MPVA gift presentation
131212 Republic of Italy rejoins United Nations Command
131207 - Vice President Biden visits Korea
131202 - Combined Forces Command Meets with Dongducheon Leaders
131128 - USFK senior leaders serve Thanksgiving dinner
131125 AROKA Breakfast Lecture
131123 Thanksgiving Story Time
131125 - MND press corps briefing
131122 - U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander visits ROK
131121 Gen. Paik's birthday
131120 USFK honors civilians of the year
131119 CDR visits ROK/US special forces
131111 Veterans Day
131109 USMC Ball
131109 Armed Forces Classic
131107 CFC Organization Day
131107 CFC Organizational Day
131106 STB BN run
131031 SEL NCOPD with GEN Paik
131101 GEN Scaparrotti tours Humphreys construction
131029 Hoguk River Crossing Exercise
131023 Polish President visits JSA
131021 Honor Guard Ceremony IHO ADM Choi
131017 PY-Do Unit Visit
131016 ROK CJCS Change of Command
131010 Navy Ball
131012 USFK CMDR visits USS George Washington
131010 Honor guard ceremony in honor of Gen. Jung Seong-Jo
131009 USFK Commander Opens AFAP Conference
131007 ROK MND welcome for GEN Scaparrotti
131007 UNC CFC USFK Change of Responsibility Ceremony
131003 Gen. Scaparrotti visits JSA
131002 UNC CFC USFK Change of Command Reception
131002 Community Bids Farewell to Gen. and Mrs. Thurman
131002 UNC CFC USFK Change of Command
131002 US ROK Security Consultative Meeting
131002 ROK MND Honor Guard Ceremony
131001 Media Availability with Adm. Locklear and Gen. Thurman
131001 National Cemetery visit
130930 ROK US Alliance dinner
130827 Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission Changes Hands
130826 Gen Thurman presented Distinguished Eagle Scout Award
130923 Good Neighbor awards ceremony
130831 SAHS Opening Game Coin Toss
130904 Congressional Delegation visit
130829 Gen Thurman UFG13 Coin Presentations
130827 USFK CG visits the ROK-U.S. Air Power Team
130828 Korean War veteran and U.S. Representative Charles B. Rangel visits CP TANGO
130822 President Park Geun-Hye visits CP TANGO
130818 Senate Foreign Relations Chairman visits USFK Soldiers
130727 Korean War Armistice 60th Anniversary-President Park
130727 JSA Armistice Agreement ceremony
130719 MND Cultural Tour
130718 Commander addresses midshipmen from the Korean Naval Academy July 18, 2013.
130716 Commander tours new elementary and high schools
130715 Deputy CFC Commander visits Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM)
130712 Cultural Tour Sponsored by Hyundai Heavy Industries
130711 MARFORK Change of Command
130702 Ministry of National Defense Cultural Tour
130627 Korean Veterans Associaton and U.S. Forces Korea conducts Revisit Korea
130701 USFK Commander's Safety Awards
130627 Korea America Friendship Night
130627 Eighth Army Change of Command
130625 USFK Special Troops Battalion Run
130618 MND June Cultural Tour
130528 United Nations Command Spring Reception
130523 USFK Memorial Day Ceremony
130515 USFK Honors Stephen Bradner
130511 USFK Commander Visits USS Nimitz
130506 USFK activates new battalion
130427 UMUC Commencement Ceremony
130418 Logistics over the shore
130326 Cheonan 3rd Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony
130322 ROK-US Sign Final Version of Combined Counter-Provocation Plan
130322 Eighth Army hosts community leaders at exercise
130321 Multinational Coordination Center for UN support in Korea
130321 ROK Naval Command and USS Cheyenne Visit
130319 Gen. Thurman visit during Key Resolve 2013
130319 B-52 flies mission over ROK
130319 Pacific Command senior enlisted adviser visits Korea
130318 Deputy Defense Secretary Ash Carter Visit to Korea
130222 President Elect Park Visit
130220 Korea Maine Exchange Program
120525 Repatriation Ceremony
120502 MG MacDonald Retirement Ceremony
120426 Seoul American Elementary School STEM with 1st Signal Brigade
120421 Commander's Cup Taekwondo Competition
120420 Volunteer of the Year Ceremony
120419 National Prayer Breakfast
120415 ADM Locklear JSA Visit
DODDS-K Awards Ceremony
41st Annual USO Six Star Salute
POTUS visits JSA
ROK Cadet Visit to Yongsan 2012
Veterans Day Ceremony
Tree Planting Ceremony
GEN Sharp, Honorary Citizen Seoul
Good Neighbor Award 2011
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 7
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 6
Good Neighbor Englsih Camp 2011 - Day 5
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 4
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 3
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 2
Good Neighbor English Camp 2011 - Day 1
JSA/DMZ Tour on 14th May
Military Spouse's Appreciation Day
SECCOM Locke/CODEL Visit - 29 Apr 11
USS Michigan arrives in Busan
KMA Visit General Walter Sharp
Four Chaplains Memorial
Republic of Korea Prime Minister Visits Yongsan
Korea Air Force Cadets
PBS and General Sharp
Girl Scout Cookie kickoff
BG Promotion
Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Visit Yongsan, Korea
White House Christmas and Awards Ceremony
Presentation of MPVA Gifts to USFK Servicemembers
Tour Area IV
CJCS in Yongsan
Awards Ceremony IHO G2,Veterans Day, Chosin
Camp Casey Elementary School Teachers
Christmas Light Tree Opening Celebration
Promotions by CG
President of South Korea, Lee Myung-Bak and General Sharp
General Walter L. Sharp visits Yeonpyeong Island
20101125 Serve Thanksgiving Day to Troops USAGHP
20101125 Visit to MND Hospital Bundang
KAC Luncheon
Reinstatment of South Africa to UNC
60th Anniversary of the Korean War
Thanksgiving Ceremony at HQ 2010
Thanksgiving at the Library
Korea Revisit Banquet Jangjin Reservoir
President Obama visits Yongsan, Korea
Jangjin “Chosin” Reservoir
8th Army CoC Ceremony
8th Army CoC Reception
LTG Johnson Promotion
Resilience Traning Hosted by Army Community Service Yongsan, Korea
Civilian Award Ceremony
2010 ROK-US Friendship Reception
Punch Bowl 2010
AUSA Convention Center Washington DC
Washington DC Wreath Laying
AUSA 10K Run
Change of Command
Command Run
5 K Run at Youido Park October 16, 2010
Ministry Of Defense Event
USFK Chaplain's Annual Training
MND Awards 30 SEP 10
60th Anniversary of the re-capturing of South Korea
US Military Advisors Train ROK
60th Anniversary of the Incheon Landing
Exercise Invincible Spirit
Secretary Clinton, Gates visit July 21-22
Nexen Heroes Baseball Game - 20JUN2010-Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
Nexen Heroes Baseball Game - 20JUN2010-Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Korea-26 May 2010- Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
Honor Guard Ceremony IHO departing LNOs - 26 May 2010 - Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits South Korea-26 MAY 2010-Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
GEN Sharp visits JSA-28MAY2010-Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
English Camp 2010 - Photo by SSG Nicholas Salcido
DHL Volunteer Awards
SecArmy visits Korea - 03 MAY 2010
2010 KATUSA-US Friendship Week
KMA Visit - 03 FEB 2010
DHL - National Prayer Breakfast - 04 FEB 2010
Girl Scout cookie season kick-off
13th Annual Jang Dan Soybean festival, November 20-22, 2009
2009 Cultural Friendship Tour
Incheon Festival 2009
Seoul City Night Tour
Mt. Sorak 2009
Ulchi Freedom Guardian 2009
CFC-O Programs in Korea
Year of the NCO
Lt. Dan Band 2009
Gates Attends 'Shangri-La Dialogue' Asia Security Summit
Good Neighbor English Camp 2009
KATUSA and US Soldier Friendship Week
Top US, ROK Soldiers in Korea fly with Kunsan Airmen
Tour Normalization
Key Resolve - Foal Eagle 2009
UN Command General Officer Talks
Secretary of State visits CFC’s White House
USFK Commander Tours Yongsan Quarters
White House Christmas Party
Veterans Day 2008
Civilian Employees of the Year Award '08
DMZ - JSA Command Visit
General Walter Sharp - Change of Command
Key Resolve - Foal Eagle 2008
RSOI - Foal Eagle 2007