Perno @ndre: Ectophasia crassipennis
borisss1982: Fates... B&W
noeltykay: 56MM GOODNESS!!!!
Richard Larssen: Another day begins
rampx: refraction
phitar: victoria spinning
nukos: a100523-145604
(Erik): The Astronomy Library
shubhangi athalye: Light gives itself freely !
ponkan.: buchi oyako
Quim Granell: 0048 Port Castelló
Sator Arepo: Pie de foto
Dustin Diaz: Day One Hundred Twelve
nukos: 090620-1819402
akiko@flickr: 金魚 -- Gold fish in the E-620
AKinsey Foto: Has the cat got your tongue ?
yeeship: Dusk in macau
yeeship: sansaku in a rainy day
GOKUTEN: keep one's eyes