oldTor: Raisin. UVIVF Macro
oldTor: Wide angle still life in UVIVF. HDR
Michael Ivshin Johansen: Slette strand boat in golden hour_
Michael Ivshin Johansen: Slette boats milkyway and aurora 2_
Didjeridoo_tom: 20201219_オールドレンズ倶楽部「横浜街巡りポートレート撮影会」編-50
John Tymon: Common Tern - Pair
Paweł Świątek: Landscape
Bill Green Images: Continental
granth2903: Blue hour
Renato A.: 26 Reggia di Versailles
Jay Jenison: Tamron 17-35mm f2.8
Jay Jenison: Tamron 17-35mm f2.8
vladitto: Hari
lolod750: Un plongeon vers un nouveau jour
radspix: @The White Swan
mrdunbar73: Hartlepool Beach
dadudawien: Sunset
radspix: Cool 60
lolod750: Promenade matinale
☆Mr_Mato: coastal view, itoshima peninsula, Japan
radspix: Vespa
radspix: Going to Town Rig
miguelerele: Lanuza
KhufuFlickr: Speyside Way Sunny Day!
Jonathan Casey: 'Royal Scot' and 'Duchess of Sutherland' at Crownthorpe
Jonathan Casey: 'Brotherhood'