苏暝色: '09 旅行 甘肃 永靖
bodhiimages: mudra | hand gesture | detail buddha shakyamuni | devaloka stupa | mindrolling monastery | clementown | ua | india
SantiMB.Photos: Enlightenment / Iluminación
ahsup: 夏諾多吉
carlos_ar2000: IMG_0825
英语我不会: 照片-0031
Laurent Goldstein: A glance inside, a glimpse outside
rjrphoto: the sound of music
ol'pete: IMG_20070831_0278 Waterlilies
Please Flush!: Bathroom Tile
josepmaria: joyous freedom
Tony Fischer Photography: Maya in a Mirror
Laurent Goldstein: "May you all be happy!"
Indig: Basics
Indig: water-lily
focusonyou chan: 波斯菊
totorons: Akiba India Cycle rickshaw
totorons: Bremen
aqui-ali: The Dude
aqui-ali: Hey Nonny
aqui-ali: Brown Chicken Brown Cow