蘇柏安(Su Bo-An): 2020.08.23 高雄流行音樂中心 Kaohsiung Music Center
蘇柏安(Su Bo-An): 2020.09.12 高雄左營蓮池潭 ─ 東南帝闕樂善社啟明堂春秋閣 Kaohsiung Zuoying Lotus Lake Spring and Autumn Pavilions
蘇柏安(Su Bo-An): 2020.10.01 高雄左營蓮池潭-龍虎塔 Kaohsiung Dragon and Tiger Pagodas
Mathulak: Salagou (Hérault)
stephen-yang: 12黑鳶-20171215-850_0070
孤雲出岫 Free Cloud: 2017/10/21 日月潭花火音樂嘉年華.台灣大哥大日月潭花火音樂會
stephen-yang: 蜂鷹850_4469
albert dros: Autumn Dream
Enrico Boggia | Photography: #035 Lungolago di Lugano - Ora blu 2017 | Explore
" Bernhard Witt ": let the Sunshine....
羊450: 1B0A7500
吳柏緯: 2013日月潭花火節-伊達邵
Wu-Sheng: 1024_伊達邵煙火
蘇柏安(Su Bo-An): 2017-10-19 高雄大魯閣草衙道 Taroko Park Kaohsiung
Luis Sun: Taiwan。New Taipei City
stephen-yang: 11野柳風景-20171016-850_0759
蘇柏安(Su Bo-An): 2017 劍湖山世界 搖擺10800+ 跨年晚會十週年
stephen-yang: 06灰斑鶲-20171011-850_0551
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe ( juvénile ) ( Alcedo atthis ) Focus Distance - 2.82 m
pedro lastra: Blue Chinned Sapphire Hummingbird, Trinidad.
Codex IV: L'eleganza del riposo
Lucien-Guy: Une percée de lumière!
beppeverge: Panorama Passo Pordoi - Dolomiti
stefanfricke: Sunflower visitor
P.S. ZOELLER: Chiemsee IX
Alex-de-Haas: Dark clouds lit up.
steinmetznicolas: Geroldsau Forest