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Claudia Bomb.
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 857 of "La Vuelta al Mundo; viajes interesantes y novísimos por todos los países con grabados por los mejores artistas"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 351 of "La France et les Colonies [Illustrated.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 221 of "The World's Inhabitants; or, Mankind, animals & plants ... With ... illustrations, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 589 of "Путешествіе на Сѣверъ и Востокъ Сибири"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 375 of "A Residence among the Chinese: ... from 1853 to 1856 ... With suggestions on the present war ... With illustrations"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 90 of "Album géographique [With illustrations.]"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 47 of "Photographic Sketches of Ashridge, with descriptive letter press"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 64 of "Nature and Art: poems and pictures from the best authors and artists. Compiled by L. R. Estes. Illustrated with ... etchings ... and ... illustrations, etc"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 130 of "Woodland Romances; or, Fables and Fancies"
川貝母 Inca Pan:
川貝母 Inca Pan:
The Golden Goose - Inca Pan Exhibition
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Randal Andrade:
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Randal Andrade: