Suri JV (on and off): Indian Silverbill
tpp1001: At Hoan Kiem Lake
tpp1001: Big brother, little sister
tpp1001: near Kham Thien Street
tpp1001: Ba Trieu Street
tpp1001: Long Bien District
tpp1001: In the Old Quarter
tpp1001: Hash House Harriers: expert beer drinker
tpp1001: On Giai Phong Street
tpp1001: Hash House Harriers: yours truly being publicly ridiculed for yet another boneheaded mistake
tpp1001: Day care center
tpp1001: Hash House Harriers: father-daughter bonding
tpp1001: Puppy's name is Washington. No, I didn't name him.
tpp1001: Long Bien District
tpp1001: Long Bien District
tpp1001: Gia Lam train station, Hanoi
pandatub: Rock Wren on 'Rock Wren' Rock
tiguy62: chouette rayée / barred-owl
philippecloarec: Mésange huppée (Parus cristatus)
valenzuelae.jorge: Jilguero común. (Sporagra barbata) hembra IMG_8410 Crowded Canelo Colibri II
Suri JV (on and off): a good swallow!
Rajagopalan Sarangapani: A Street play artist getting ready for performance