postneo: Overheard at World Online
jacobian: Commit message of the week award
sebleier: Djangopony and the Pony Express
postneo: The Pony Express
Dejhia: Hat
graciousangel: So how was your day?
Ted Leung: PyCon 2009
Malcolm Tredinnick: Monkey Hat
bjepson: tonight we divide by zero
jburwen: al-mooninites
Christian Metts: I spent the better part of a weekend in this.
nathanborror: Readernaut
postneo: James on the phone
Christian Metts: The flag trike
nathanborror: A story that needs no words
postneo: Newsletter
jacobian: Google Earth rendering bug
nathanborror: A merry Tim
maurachace: Right before I took this picture I said, "YES! This is why I keep my camera with me at all times!"
postneo: Tim The Man
nathanborror: Match made in Heaven
wilsonminer: The grass is singing
wilsonminer: He Watches Me Work
joyent (textdrive): in the beginning
davidpaulyoung: What it takes
wilsonminer: The Weight of Light and Years