ubernatural: He's definitely a homebody
ubernatural: Mornings at Ruckle are relaxing
ubernatural: A nice secluded tent spot for the family
ubernatural: The expressions say it all
ubernatural: K put in the work to get to the island
ubernatural: Def need to tame that sage
ubernatural: So full...
ubernatural: We take this corner a lot
ubernatural: This is a pepper mill, sort of
ubernatural: Difficult to walk past this one at Costco today
ubernatural: Off the corner of the table
ubernatural: The cactus was repotted and is doing well
ubernatural: If this is not the breakfast of champions, not sure I want to be a champion
ubernatural: Film camera selfie
ubernatural: Bike people are my people
ubernatural: Just having a little cereal
ubernatural: Hard creepy valley vibes out of this experiment
ubernatural: Tazza d'Oro cup from Rome in the AM
ubernatural: Got some figs this year, after the serious prune
ubernatural: The orange trees came back too
ubernatural: Got our luggage, finally
ubernatural: Zeus from Athens
ubernatural: Mixed up some new XTOL
ubernatural: Did not expect to have enough time for dinner at YYC
ubernatural: The hat could've been funnier
ubernatural: Head of a centaur, Capitoline
ubernatural: The crazy eyes of Constantine
ubernatural: Roman skyline
ubernatural: Altare della Patria
ubernatural: It is a garbage truck