MrChrisCamp: IMG_3193
MrChrisCamp: Monster
MrChrisCamp: I bid you adieu
MrChrisCamp: At peace
MrChrisCamp: In fine form
MrChrisCamp: The final countdown
MrChrisCamp: Three Six Zero
MrChrisCamp: So close...
MrChrisCamp: Curse the heavens
MrChrisCamp: Channel surfing
MrChrisCamp: Wall of light
MrChrisCamp: Eye of the beholder
MrChrisCamp: The little things
MrChrisCamp: Very simple
MrChrisCamp: Depends on how you look at it
MrChrisCamp: Three fifty
MrChrisCamp: King size
MrChrisCamp: Fading away
MrChrisCamp: As the rain comes down
MrChrisCamp: Sunlit
MrChrisCamp: Head in hand
MrChrisCamp: Killing me softly
MrChrisCamp: Trapped in TV land
MrChrisCamp: Filters
MrChrisCamp: Midnight
MrChrisCamp: Blank stare
MrChrisCamp: Nearing the end