gseloff: Sit, Stay (Ruby-crowned Kinglet)
gseloff: Wire Service (Tropical Kingbird)
gseloff: Herman (Hermit Thrush)
gseloff: Tree Hugger (Acorn Woodpecker)
gseloff: Perched
gseloff: Red, White & Blue
Gary Grossman: Dormant
gseloff: Above The Waterline (Greater Yellowlegs)
gseloff: Glide Path (Northern Cardinal)
gseloff: Red Arrow (Northern Cardinal)
gseloff: BFF (Northern Bobwhites)
gseloff: Still Looking (Northern Harrier)
gseloff: Frozen Dessert (Yellow-rumped Warbler)
gseloff: Fluffed (Mourning Dove)
gseloff: Knee Deep (Mourning Dove)
Gary Grossman: Showing Off The Catch
gseloff: No Sap For You
gseloff: If You Could See It...
WanaM3: We should have named him Leroy Brown instead of Jack
Sandy Kroeger: Galveston