Kikas Babenco1: ground_023
wuwaichun (sometimes on - sometimes off): HELP !!! - Somewhere in sl 431 (Eupalinos Ugajin - You are the music while the music lasts*, LEA25 (109, 124, 984))
simotronaquila: "Removable Giant and Little Things" by Typote Beck
simotronaquila: "Removable Giant and Little Things" by Typote Beck
Anita Witt: Further along the Path - Eupalinos Ugajin 1
Marmaduke Arado: Kou for your life!
Marmaduke Arado: Kou for your life!
simotronaquila: "Set to midnight" by Typote Beck
simotronaquila: "Set to midnight" by Typote Beck
simotronaquila: "Set to midnight" by Typote Beck
simotronaquila: "Set to midnight" by Typote Beck
Marmaduke Arado: Eupa, the part time travel advisor, on the job
Marmaduke Arado: Improvising at Typote Beck's LEA installation
simotronaquila: Simotron Aquila
simotronaquila: Simotron Aquila
simotronaquila: Artistide Despres
simotronaquila: typote Beck
simotronaquila: typote Beck
Marc Moana aka Marc Blieux: SynchroniCity_ installation interactive / festival Videoformes
Marc Moana aka Marc Blieux: SAC [003] b - Simotron Aquila_AIRE SynchroniCity
Marc Moana aka Marc Blieux: SAC [003] b - Simotron Aquila_AIRE SynchroniCity
Marc Moana aka Marc Blieux: SynchroniCity_yourte installation interactive pour Videoformes