twowheeledlady: Cave concert on mystery spot rd
twowheeledlady: Dads club
twowheeledlady: Patrick and Debbie sleeping bag cuddle
twowheeledlady: Patrick and mule ears in Henry Coe
twowheeledlady: Patrick and Debbie in Henry Coe
twowheeledlady: Wildflower identification with Patrick and Debbie in Henry Coe
twowheeledlady: Debbie and amazing lupines in Henry Coe
twowheeledlady: This is a fun toy
twowheeledlady: South fork of the Merced River
twowheeledlady: Good morning Wawona
twowheeledlady: Ponderosa
twowheeledlady: Jay and Asha
twowheeledlady: Ponderosa detail
twowheeledlady: Chilling on Chilhuana
twowheeledlady: Old man rides again
twowheeledlady: Aunt Susie and the gang hiking above the neighborhood where my family has had a house since the 50s (?) in Laguna beach.
twowheeledlady: Ray fertilizes strawberries at the HEAL project farm in half moon bay
twowheeledlady: Uncle Doug
twowheeledlady: Just going for a walk...
twowheeledlady: On the San Vicente trail in big sur
twowheeledlady: First sunrise of 2015
twowheeledlady: Our attempt at a wind block while sleeping on top of cone peak. New Years 2015 party time!
twowheeledlady: View from the top of cone peak