arievergreen: yet more standpipes that are NOT FOR SITTING
arievergreen: a standpipe girded with anti-sitting spikes as a symbol of capitalistic selfishness; alienation; and the fear of poor folk, those who make their own schedules, and the unexploited, creative commons
eschipul: the amazing fortunebird
DimitryB: IMG_4263
imsobe: Who sucks the most?
Tonymadrid Photography: Pienso, luego soy un mono.
ayçaakin: road28
ayçaakin: road23
ironyspeaks: DSCN0437.JPG
ironyspeaks: IMG_1072.JPG
_ okat: things were easier when i had no name.
bidibot: Craftmatic Adjustable Coffin
Hezzy: Stencil art in Bergen
Barack Obama: IMG_8730
Mr_CRO: Speaking to U.S.
Mr_CRO: Speaking to U.S.
golanlevin: ayca_handwriting (diary visualization)
tabascobh: After a day at the Park
tonx: Obey Obama?
andy kehoe: Finding Hope Here in the Clearing
andy kehoe: Tragedy in the Woods
MAKSTER: Banana weighs in
franimal: Reach out and vote Obama
marciebaeza: florence street art
Soffia Gisladottir: caught in daylight