twodolla: 365.1: Good-bye, old camera.
twodolla: 365.2: Passive Aggressive Note War
twodolla: 365.3 Overly Excited by the Weekend
twodolla: 365.4: My Feets
twodolla: 365:5 I Love Gentle Toilet Paper!
twodolla: 365:6 New Bracelets!
twodolla: 365:7 Glasses Circa 2002
twodolla: 365:8 Driving to Work
twodolla: 365:9 *Officially* Moving In
twodolla: 365:10 All Class All the Time
twodolla: 365:11 Waiting after work
twodolla: 365:12 Basking in the Fake Sun Light
twodolla: 365:13 Empty Paper Towel Roll
twodolla: 365:14 Serious Mafia Wars Business
twodolla: 365:15 Riley, Me, and the IV
twodolla: 365:16 After a Night of Emergency Vet Clinic
twodolla: 365:17 Finally a Clean Desk
twodolla: 365:18 Couch Time
twodolla: 365:19 CNN at Bedtime
twodolla: 365:20 Officially Cohabitating!
twodolla: 365:21 Working on the Weekend