twodolla: Recognized 3x tonight for being a smarty pants. SO PROUD of my wife and this is just one reason why.
twodolla: The important thing is that I made it 38 days.
twodolla: My road warrior farmer boy and I made it home from our long weekend in Missouri. A++++. Would travel with him again.
twodolla: Celebrating 2.5 years old today with Papa and Nana.
twodolla: Hitting the road to Missouri, just me and my dude.
twodolla: Chocolate chip bagel and chocolate milk with my favorite boy this morning.
twodolla: I don't know what he's doing either.
twodolla: Buds for life. I mean, all 2.5 years of it so far. (Adult present for supervision.)
twodolla: $20 for a pile of giant legos? SOLD.
twodolla: Kid loves this game so much. And yep. He's always a blur.
twodolla: My co-worker tonight is not taking his work very seriously.
twodolla: Post-dinner bubble party.
twodolla: Yesterday's picture from daycare explains why our boy has been talking about "riding the boogie" for the past 12 hours.
twodolla: This dude and I had to take a break from yard work.
twodolla: All are welcome here.
twodolla: I didn't have anywhere else to be so I enjoyed the heck out of this train.
twodolla: Always thankful for health insurance when this kid's out and about. No hands? No feet? No problem.
twodolla: Wants to go to Target. Won't take off his "go go pants". We're at a stalemate.
twodolla: Dranks with our boy.
twodolla: He requested a trip to @target and a "chip bagel", so I'd say he's on the mend.
twodolla: This is what a 103 degree fever looks like if you're two.
twodolla: Baking up a birthday cake.
twodolla: Trying out this big boy bed situation, so why wouldn't we try it out in the living room?
twodolla: He's been eating ribs since he was 9 months old. I love my baby carnivore.
twodolla: My little Minnesotan.
twodolla: Thankful for this apple-eating nutjob.
twodolla: We survived the Great Blizzard of November 18, 2016.
twodolla: Last time I wore this sweater at a reproductive clinic, we had our son 38 weeks later. Hoping for the same luck today!
twodolla: Citizen Police Academy graduation cake.
twodolla: My dude's off to school today! His daycare lady texted me after he'd be there for 30 minutes and said he was looking pretty comfortable already. We'll see if it lasts all week.