twodolla: Thanksgiving Road Trip
twodolla: Captain's Log: Day 2
twodolla: Turning into a photographer
twodolla: Amelia's first trip to the arch.
twodolla: Climbing the stairs to the Arch
twodolla: Clara Jane admiring the Arch
twodolla: The Gateway Arch
twodolla: Long way up
twodolla: Official Photographer Business
twodolla: The Arch with a glare
twodolla: Goof ball.
twodolla: Oops.
twodolla: Thanksgiving Day Spread
twodolla: My family.
twodolla: My brother and our granny.
twodolla: No turkey for this dog.
twodolla: CHEESE!
twodolla: Nap time for Travis.
twodolla: Showing off her handiwork.
twodolla: Me & The Kid
twodolla: Travis & Riley
twodolla: Riley & Travis
twodolla: Mac & Trav
twodolla: Grandpa Chuck
twodolla: Waiting for candy!
twodolla: Amelia, Riley, and Clara Jane
twodolla: Travis, Grandpa, Granny, and Me
twodolla: The family post-parade
twodolla: The Grandkids