Twinz8: Dewey Hill at Sunset
Twinz8: CG Memorial
Twinz8: Coast Guard Brass arrive
Twinz8: Coastie Kids
Twinz8: Mac Arrives
Twinz8: Lt. Spars
Twinz8: More Mac
Twinz8: Coastie Kids
Twinz8: Entering Grand Haven
Twinz8: Escort Boat
Twinz8: Top of the Mac
Twinz8: In the Con. Where's Scottie Captain?
Twinz8: Aft of the Macinaw four miles out
Twinz8: Macinaw on Coat Guard Day
Twinz8: Mackinaw
Twinz8: Entering Grand Haven
Twinz8: Pier