Twinz8: NoProblem 2017_17_06
Twinz8: Croton Dam Charcoal
Twinz8: Golfer 2016_06_03
Twinz8: Windstorm22015_12_11
Twinz8: 2Pier2015_10_29
Twinz8: Afternoon storm in Negril, Jamaica
Twinz8: Spider!
Twinz8: Bike in the window
Twinz8: JessHazel_03222015
Twinz8: Look at me!!!
Twinz8: You lookin' at ME?
Twinz8: And they called it Owl Love
Twinz8: On Guard
Twinz8: Wood Duck
Twinz8: Hi. I am from the IRS.
Twinz8: Dinner Bell!!!
Twinz8: Ice Ice Baby
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: Breezy on the Lake today
Twinz8: In great-grandma's loving hands
Twinz8: Not your traditional fall reflection pic.
Twinz8: Soap Bubble
Twinz8: DSC_0047
Twinz8: Snorkle3