john white photos: Port Lincoln
Gladys Klip: Reebok / Roe buck / Chevreuil
ctofcsco: House Finch - Male
Ifyouleavethestreet: monochrome waterfall
Judylynn M.: Hey Mom Look What I Found !!!!
antonsrkn: Amorous Amplexus
Imorgado: Igreja de São Benedito
Gladys Klip: Grutto / Black-tailed Godwit / Barge
wardyian: Red Admiral
~Simmy~: Raubfliege
Sandra Slead: Happy Easter
madfozy: Hello
Mejxu: Rote Königin, Selenicereus grandiflorus x Heliocereus speciosus
LuigiMirto/ArchiMlFotoWord/Natura: Afide su micro fiori di campo - Aphid on micro wildflowers - “Aphidoidea Geoffroy”
Rosa Gamboias: Batará Barrado o Choca Barreada | Barred Antshrike (Thamnophilus doliatus) - female
Ifyouleavethestreet: Turbine Staircase / Fujifilm X100S
Judylynn M.: Almost-Home !!!!!
john white photos: Wedge tail eagle
Sandra Slead: Anddd another macro!
PaulHoo: Arc de Triomphe - Paris (2010)
Syahrel Azha Hashim: The Art of Batik Painting...
Sandra Slead: Sunset Cliffs
Syahrel Azha Hashim: Another bulb...
Irishmic1: Morning Work On The 'Miss Marie'