tuvidaloca: Smile!
tuvidaloca: „witty neighbours“ No. 2 (character 😝 study)
tuvidaloca: „witty neighbours“ No. 1 (character 😝 study)
tuvidaloca: »You here too?« (ooc)
tuvidaloca: The bokeh-ghost „Fertility“ ;-)
tuvidaloca: I'd seen Karl Marx :-) Der kommunistische Waldgeist
tuvidaloca: »Loser!«
tuvidaloca: »I'm too sexy for your mouth...!«
tuvidaloca: Smile!
tuvidaloca: »Well bellowed, seal!« 😝 (study, pareidolia)
tuvidaloca: »walking tall«
tuvidaloca: ... sometimes, in the woods, I can feel the latent observation ... 😨
tuvidaloca: Papa Noël 😎
tuvidaloca: BoJo's blurry dream 🇬🇧
tuvidaloca: The disgruntled alien in the Phlox 😋
tuvidaloca: „Spring fever“ or »The yawning of the second from the front« 😋
tuvidaloca: »At night all cats are grey!« 👀 »Nope, nope, nope!« 😛 (A Bonotar game, wide open)
tuvidaloca: »We are hungry, hungry, hungry...!« 😂 (German children's song)
tuvidaloca: »You can leave your hat on!« 😂
tuvidaloca: Antirrhinum majus 😎 (Biotar-portrait)