vickilw: Take a break, do a crossword.
vickilw: Visiting Modern Art at The Broad.
vickilw: The Moose is loose for Christmas.
vickilw: Final 25 in 100x:2018
vickilw: Full of good things to read,
vickilw: San Diego Zoo, a fascinating place.
vickilw: The flower has lost a petal.
vickilw: The door is open, come in.
vickilw: Having the time of his life.
vickilw: Flowers for me, why thank you.
vickilw: Flowers for me, you shouldn't have.
vickilw: Third 25 in 100x:2018
vickilw: A great place to hear music.
vickilw: Small blue glass worlds of color.
vickilw: Let's meet at the Concert Hall.
vickilw: Looking up, going down, The Broad.
vickilw: Too many windows to keep clean.
vickilw: Trying to fade into the background.
vickilw: My initials are on a car.
vickilw: Floating on the waves in Laguna.
vickilw: The Storm Trooper is having fun.
vickilw: Floating lazily among the dried leaves.
vickilw: Floating face down in the water.
vickilw: Seeing hints of the interior space.
vickilw: With lots of condiments on top.
vickilw: Sweeping angles against a blue sky.
vickilw: Clock made for Marie Antoinette's brother.
vickilw: Cheshire Cat has a big smile.
vickilw: Allergic to metal, she wore plastic,
vickilw: Time to go for a walk.