turndeaux: Taj Mahal Crowd
turndeaux: Taj Mahal Guard
turndeaux: Butcher
turndeaux: Young monks studying
turndeaux: Young monk
turndeaux: Dancing
turndeaux: Fire ceremony
turndeaux: Gayatri
turndeaux: Sacred cow
turndeaux: Paolo takes a blessing
turndeaux: Vendor of religious novelties
turndeaux: Paolo the Sadhu
turndeaux: Pilgrim
turndeaux: Har ki Pauri Ghat
turndeaux: Tourist
turndeaux: Sleeping Buddha
turndeaux: Sleeping Buddha
turndeaux: Ellora Cave Painting
turndeaux: Commuter
turndeaux: Family in a cab
turndeaux: Banana man
turndeaux: Holi man
turndeaux: Holi revelry
turndeaux: Checking his teeth
turndeaux: Ganesh and Buddha
turndeaux: Dogs of Goa
turndeaux: GoaPhoto
turndeaux: White Cow
turndeaux: Sweets Seller