TulsaTV: Bob Hower's Biplane
TulsaTV: uhftourtraficant
TulsaTV: UHF Tour Map Downtown Inset
TulsaTV: UHF Tour Map
TulsaTV: UHF bus tour guides
TulsaTV: Spatula tag
TulsaTV: Spatula City Group take 2
TulsaTV: Spatula City Group shot
TulsaTV: Raul's Apartment
TulsaTV: Plots R Us
TulsaTV: Mop Winner
TulsaTV: Mike on green screen at Channel 8
TulsaTV: Mike, Gaye and Weird Al
TulsaTV: Mike backwards on the green screen
TulsaTV: Group photo at the Plots R Us location
TulsaTV: Getting on the UHF tour bus
TulsaTV: Gaye Brown on green screen at KTUL
TulsaTV: City Hall
TulsaTV: The real Channel 8 outside
TulsaTV: Ol' Blue Eyes
TulsaTV: Capitol Studio A control room
TulsaTV: Studer tape deck
TulsaTV: Capitol Records Studio B
TulsaTV: Scott Linder arrives at Capital Records
TulsaTV: KAKC on-air people
TulsaTV: KAKC station personnel
TulsaTV: KAKC exhibit
TulsaTV: Water cooler innards
TulsaTV: West Screen projection booth, looking SE
TulsaTV: West Screen projection booth, looking NW