tubura_1102: 絵画の中の絵画展 - the gallery in the mirror -
tubura_1102: 天使の涙 - tears of an angel -
tubura_1102: 主人を待つモノ達 - waiting for new owner -
tubura_1102: よーいドン! - Ready go! -
tubura_1102: 牢獄「ルーブル」 - the prison of Louvre -
tubura_1102: Love U!
tubura_1102: 眺めの良いカフェ - a cafe with a view -
tubura_1102: 生のないツタ - lifeless ivy -
tubura_1102: 自由への道 - the way of freedom -
tubura_1102: カミナリ - thunder -
tubura_1102: 蝶々の羽 - wings of a butterfly -
tubura_1102: モナコの夜空 - Monaco Station -
tubura_1102: 韓国の銀河 - autumnal tints -
tubura_1102: 双子 - twins -
tubura_1102: 韓国の山 -mountain -
tubura_1102: 冬の日差し - Korean tea shop -
tubura_1102: 木漏れ日 -the gentle autumn sunlight -
tubura_1102: 回廊の緊張感 - the cloister in Korea -
tubura_1102: 秋の韓国を見下ろす - looking down at Korean autumn -
tubura_1102: 韓国の朝 - In the morning -
tubura_1102: 梅雨の合間に - in the rainy season -
tubura_1102: かくれんぼう - play hide-and-seek -
tubura_1102: 出逢い - a fateful encounter -
tubura_1102: 蛍の明かり - the glow of a firefly -
tubura_1102: いたずらっ子の笑み - impish grin -
tubura_1102: 絶望 - untold despair -