tubura_1102: 君を待つ - Waiting For You -
tubura_1102: 鏡の国のアリス - Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There -
tubura_1102: 洞窟の外へ - the way out of the cave -
tubura_1102: "The Empire of Light"
tubura_1102: あなたを待つ時間 - time to wait for you -
tubura_1102: 極楽浄土 - the Land of Happiness -
tubura_1102: 花の色 - the coloring of flowers -
tubura_1102: 朝一番の優しさ - a gentle morning -
tubura_1102: ここに眠る・・・ - hic jacet -
tubura_1102: 古き良き時代の酒屋 - old japanese sake shop -
tubura_1102: 人気のない神社 - shrine visit -
tubura_1102: 絶望 - untold despair -
tubura_1102: いたずらっ子の笑み - impish grin -
tubura_1102: 蛍の明かり - the glow of a firefly -
tubura_1102: 出逢い - a fateful encounter -
tubura_1102: マンションを見下ろす - looking down a flat -
tubura_1102: かくれんぼう - play hide-and-seek -
tubura_1102: 1 Planet + 4 Satellites = The Cosmos
tubura_1102: 畳の部屋から - from a dark room -
tubura_1102: 子供時代を想う - looking back my childhood -
tubura_1102: Dear Magritte
tubura_1102: 梅雨の合間に - in the rainy season -
tubura_1102: 韓国の朝 - In the morning -
tubura_1102: 静寂 - Silence -
tubura_1102: 子守歌 - a lullaby -
tubura_1102: 眺めの良いカフェ - a cafe with a view -
tubura_1102: 黒い家 - black house -
tubura_1102: ニョロニョロ - "Hattifatteners" Moomin Characters -
tubura_1102: 母の目 - a mother's love -