nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: 新生命 #mint #薄荷
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Inside UPS #itporn #upsporn
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Amazing sunset
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Home made pizza on Sunday morning
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Sunset again :P
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Just before sunset
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: The mint is growing well
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: I think ground clearing is almost done, something will rise from this land soon
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Found these seeds on the road after my bus ride
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Huge mahagony being cut down, someone should have made use of the trunk to turn into nice furniture
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Late afternoon view
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Tower records is back
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Inside Gardens mall
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Sunset from Robson
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Transformers
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Big project this time
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Somebody call me gong cha boy in the office
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Yellow flame
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Granite rock face and car park
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: On my way to meeting
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Beautiful morning
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Sg Wang caught fire
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Taichi class night
nottyboy a.k.a 小頑童: Preparing for the birthday of Goddess of the sea (Mazu)