Teresa Trimm: Sync speed too fast
Teresa Trimm: Purple flower
Teresa Trimm: Purple Flower
Teresa Trimm: Somewhat Dry orange
Teresa Trimm: Yellow Door
Teresa Trimm: Paulette Goddard
Teresa Trimm: Paulette Goddard Colorized
Teresa Trimm: Paulette Goddard Colorized with added texture
Teresa Trimm: Kodi about 2007. He was about 8
Teresa Trimm: Audrey Hepburn colorized with added texture
Teresa Trimm: Audrey Hepburn colorized without added texture
Teresa Trimm: Audrey Hepburn Black and white
Teresa Trimm: Ginger Rogers
Teresa Trimm: Ginger Rogers
Teresa Trimm: Vintage girl colorized
Teresa Trimm: Vintage girl colorized
Teresa Trimm: Vintage girl colorized
Teresa Trimm: Clement Vallandigham
Teresa Trimm: Clement Vallandigham
Teresa Trimm: Waiting for Biden to win the election.
Teresa Trimm: headshot-with-eye-bags
Teresa Trimm: Mushroom growing on a tree stump
Teresa Trimm: Mushroom growing on a tree stump
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds
Teresa Trimm: Backgrounds