T. Tauri: Adjustments
T. Tauri: Got you an enormous screen to watch KittyTV on, Loki! 😄
T. Tauri: Welcome to your new home, Kitties!
T. Tauri: Sheru
T. Tauri: Cuddly Flufffster
T. Tauri: Slurrrrrrp!
T. Tauri: Season Premieres
T. Tauri: A nice warm sunbeam
T. Tauri: KittyTV
T. Tauri: Professional side-snuggler
T. Tauri: I’m on ur couch, furrin ur clothes
T. Tauri: Contractors are repairing our bathroom and Sheru keeps tabs from a discrete and defensible distance.
T. Tauri: Shrewd Sheru
T. Tauri: Millfield, Ohio
T. Tauri: I’m rubbing my cheek against the door frame! Do I need to spell out K-I-B-B-L-E in actual letters for you to get it???
T. Tauri: Sheru
T. Tauri: Am stuck. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
T. Tauri: A Magnificent Flower!
T. Tauri: At the Saintly City Cat Show
T. Tauri: She’s following me around giving me meaningful looks, but because it’s really cold outside, they must be from the vicinity of a heating vent. :-D
T. Tauri: “Surely u haz not forgotten 2nd brekfast?”
T. Tauri: Laundry?
T. Tauri: Unexpectedly home for the holiday!
T. Tauri: Sheru & Haku
T. Tauri: Winter is coming…
T. Tauri: So happy we’re home (from Thanksgiving in New York), he’s giving me a full-body snuggle…
T. Tauri: At Koneko Cat Café, NYC
T. Tauri: My big guy
T. Tauri: Loki
T. Tauri: Happy International Day of the Cat!