martinlacko: fashion_illustration_martin_lacko_2
pstmn: P1090445
AstroSamantha: Snow-covered #Austria on a February morning
natalia_zajacikova: Stereodisco 12.
_hushush: no relationship
orvaq: 20101227 Baske Homolka Vapec 182
orvaq: 20101227 Baske Homolka Vapec 165
lazzo51: USS Los Angeles Going Tail-up
Nationaal Archief: Bedbril / Glasses for reading in bed
The Library of Congress: [Troldfjord (i.e.,Trollfjord), Raftsund, Lofoten, Norway] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Jack Whinery and his family, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Children in the tenement district, Brockton, Mass. (LOC)
artisticonfusion: missing limbs
bashung: odchádzame
janamartish: v žltej
debleau: u-a-avangarda
pJ™: IMG_8074
Drakh: IMG_2129
frkaczik: model view controller
frkaczik: these kids today
Matúš Bence: Old People #1
°fettkakao°: vrono j. vox
°fettkakao°: veronika