Maureen Bond: Bygone Era
Richard C. Johnson: AKA fishwrapcomix: Wetlands and power transmission lines
Maureen Bond: climate talks are stuck in the mud
*Louise**: Happy Furry Friday...
Richard C. Johnson: AKA fishwrapcomix: Wetlands and pond in industrial park, Connors Point, Superiror, Wisconsin
noahswelt: Durchdringenden Blick
Sharon Styer: Motel 9a
Sharon Styer: Dungeness Spit 3
jody9: supercell near square butte, mt
david.bardes: At Worlds End
Jacqueline Walters: Happy New Year
vruba: Installations west of Dunhuang
Abode of Chaos: Mark Zuckerberg, painted portrait DDC_8781
Maureen Bond: two for one
jody9: morning on the riverwalk
vruba: Equal justice under law
*Louise**: _ St Paul's Cathedral _
manyfires: but i still wake up, i still see your ghost
HorsePunchKid: Treehopper Face
david.bardes: Out in the Drizzle and Gloom
Tarzisius Koch: Emmenbrücke, Central
Tarzisius Koch: Same place, different day
prime-pixels: rustboy