TrueVintage: "Karlsruhe" 1957
TrueVintage: Marine Day
TrueVintage: In the Middle of Nowhere
TrueVintage: One Day at the Harbor
TrueVintage: Steam
TrueVintage: The new World
TrueVintage: Old View from the much older Pyramid of Giza
TrueVintage: Kaapland
TrueVintage: No Parking
TrueVintage: Lindau Brücke
TrueVintage: His pride
TrueVintage: These Days when there were far more Parking Spaces than Cars
TrueVintage: Ship is calling
TrueVintage: Waiting for the next Ship
TrueVintage: The Ride
TrueVintage: B 1326
TrueVintage: Two Boys and a Car
TrueVintage: Ready for some Action
TrueVintage: The Biker Gang
TrueVintage: The Car with the Hat
TrueVintage: Käses Rundfahrt
TrueVintage: VB-26396